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Communications and Government Relations

Communications and Government Relations

MDE Recognizes Schools, Districts Academic Achievement, Progress

April 26, 2013

JACKSON, Miss. – The Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) honored 54 schools Thursday for academic achievement or progress during a ceremony at the Central High School Building. MDE staff recognized schools that have earned the title of High Progress, High Performing or Distinguished under federal Title 1 guidelines as “Champions of Change”.

Students Earn Medals in Statewide Reading Fair

April 30, 2013

JACKSON, Miss. – Students in grades K-12 earned gold medals for their first place projects in the Mississippi Department of Education's Annual State Reading Fair held recently in Jackson.

The Reading Fair provides students with the opportunity to share their favorite fiction or non-fiction book through a storyboard display.  The goal of the Reading Fair is to instill a lifelong love of reading in students as they experience a deeper enjoyment and pleasure from reading gained through participating in the process.

Why Mississippi Should Embrace Common Core State Standards Op-Ed Column from Lynn J. House, Ph.D., Interim State Superintendent of Education

May 7, 2013

JACKSON, Miss. –When an Olympic high jumper wants to reach new heights, he doesn’t leave the bar where it is and expect to meet that goal. To be competitive with other high jumpers, he must raise the bar.

That’s exactly what Common Core State Standards will do. They will set a high –yet reachable – bar for our students. They will ensure that Mississippi’s children are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in both college and career and compete in a global economy.

Interim State Superintendent Extends Emergency Testing of Seniors Who Need to Pass One Subject Area Test to Graduate

May 15, 2013

JACKSON, Miss. – Dr. Lynn House, interim state superintendent of education, in consultation with Dr. Wayne Gann, chairman of the Mississippi Board of Education, announced today that seniors who have completed all graduation requirements with the exception of passing only one subject area end-of-course assessment (SATP2) are now eligible for emergency testing.

Newsweek, Daily Beast Names Four Mississippi Schools in “America’s Best” List

May 17, 2013

JACKSON, Miss. – Four Mississippi high schools made Newsweek’s list of “America’s Best High Schools” for 2013.

Compiled by Newsweek and The Daily Beast, the list ranks the best 2,000 public high schools in the nation—those that have proven to be the most effective in turning out college-ready graduates. The following Mississippi schools have been ranked:

State Board of Education Approves Transitional Timeline for New Accountability Model, Assessments

May 31, 2013

JACKSON, Miss. – School districts can move forward with full implementation of Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in August as the state implements a two-year pause on accountability labels to give schools time to transition from the current curriculum to learning objectives that better prepare students for college and the workforce.

Columbus Resident Named 2013 Parent of the Year

June 4, 2013

JACKSON, Miss. – Roberta Weeks, an assistant director and teacher at a Columbus preschool, was named the 2013 Parent of the Year.

Weeks, a mother of four, has two children in the Lowndes County School District and has been actively involved in the New Hope Elementary and Middle Schools. The Congressional District 1 honoree was nominated by the Lowndes County School District. In particular, Weeks’ volunteer activities to assist a non-English speaking student and family garnered praise from school administrators and teachers.

Gary Road Intermediate School Principal Named Administrator of the Year

June 21, 2013

JACKSON, Miss. – Chad Shealy, principal at Gary Road Intermediate School in the Hinds County School District, is the 2013 Mississippi Administrator of the Year. Shealy was selected from four finalists Friday at the Mississippi Board of Education meeting in Jackson.

Shealy believes that students thrive in an environment that is safe, academically rigorous, and socially nurturing. He works to support faculty and staff in efforts to improve professional performance, and he encourages community involvement with the school.

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