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Communications and Government Relations

Communications and Government Relations

Mississippi Board of Education Takes First Step to Reconstitute North Panola School District

July 19, 2013

JACKSON, Miss. –The Mississippi Board of Education voted Friday to begin the process to reconstitute the North Panola School District, which essentially returns the district back to the community.

North Panola was one of three school districts the Board voted to begin the process of exiting from conservatorship and returning them to their communities. The other two were Tate County School District and Hazlehurst City School District.

Mississippi Board of Education Takes First Step to Reconstitute Tate County School District

July 19, 2013

JACKSON, Miss. –The Mississippi Board of Education voted Friday to begin the process to reconstitute the Tate County School District, which essentially returns the district back to the community.

Tate County was one of three school districts the Board voted to begin the process of exiting from conservatorship and returning them to their communities. The other two were Hazlehurst City School District and North Panola School District.

Mississippi Board of Education Takes First Step to Reconstitute Hazlehurst City School District

July 19, 2013

JACKSON, Miss. –The Mississippi Board of Education voted Friday to begin the process to reconstitute the Hazlehurst City School District, which essentially returns the district back to the community.

Hazlehurst was one of three school districts the Board voted to begin the process of exiting from conservatorship and returning them to their communities. The other two were Tate County School District and North Panola School District.

Mississippi Board of Education Finalizes Plans for State Superintendent Search

July 22, 2013

JACKSON, Miss. –The Mississippi Board of Education (Board) has finalized its timeline in the search for the next state superintendent of education.

The Board will meet with the search consultant firm, Ray and Associates Inc., on Sept. 11 to review resumes and discuss qualifications. The Board will then determine the candidates who will be invited to a face-to-face interview.

MDE Schedules Community Meetings about Mississippi's College- and Career- ready Standards

August 9, 2013

JACKSON, Miss. –The Mississippi Department of Education, in partnership with the Mississippi Parent-Teacher Association and the Mississippi Library Commission, will launch a series of public meetings around the state to inform parents and community members about Mississippi’s college- and career-ready standards.

Dr. Lynn J. House, interim state superintendent of education, will provide information about the Common Core State Standards and answer questions from the public.

Mississippi Increases Graduation Rate, Test Scores Continue Improvement

August 21, 2013

JACKSON, Miss. – More students scored proficient and advanced at every grade level on the Mississippi Curriculum Test, Second Edition (MCT2) and on the Subject Area Testing Program, Second Edition (SATP2), according to test scores released Thursday by the Mississippi Department of Education (MDE). Districts also showed a four-year graduation rate of 75.5 percent, the highest rate since re-calculations were done in 2007, and a four-year dropout rate of 13.9 percent, a nearly 3 percent drop from 2012.

MDE Announces Income Guidelines for Free and Reduced Price Meals

August 22, 2013

JACKSON, Miss. – Today, the Mississippi Department of Education announces the U.S. Department of Agriculture income guidelines for free and reduced price meals served under the School Lunch, School Breakfast, After School Snack Program, and Food Distribution Programs.  Families with children in any participating facilities who are unable to pay the full price of the meals are encouraged to apply for benefits.

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