Superintendent’s Annual Report

2023-2024 Superintendent’s Annual Report (PDF version)

District Financial Information
  • Expenditures for Public Schools by Functional Areas
    Report details public school expenditure amounts by functional area by school district. For each district, the report shows the percentage of each functional area to the total operational expense. The report also lists the percent ranking for each district for each functional area.
  • Expenditure Per Pupil Average Daily Attendance
    Report shows the average daily attendance for each district. The report also details the expenditure amount per pupil using all funds and expenditure functions 1000-3999. Instructional costs for each district per pupil are listed and include all funds and instructional expenditures. Additionally, the per pupil expenditure amount for transportation is listed by district. The report lists the ranking by district for each of the three per pupil categories.
  • Revenue by Source by District
    Report shows the amount of revenue each district received from local, state, federal and intermediate sources. By district, the report shows the percentage of each revenue source to the total revenue. The report also lists the percent ranking for each revenue source by districts. The total column shows the revenue received from all sources. The last column lists the ranking by district for the total revenue amount.
  • Administrative Cost by District
    Report shows expenditures for each district for total current operations using all funds and expenditure functions 1000-3999. The report also shows a comparison for each district of a calculated amount of administrative cost to actual district administration costs. Additional columns show district administration costs as a percentage of total operational cost and the percent rank of each district.
  • District Assessment and Tax Levies
    Report shows assessed value and homestead information for each district. The report details the breakdown of mills levied for specific purposes as well as the total millage. Districts that have assessed value in two different counties are listed twice to show the assessment and millage by county.
  • Receipts for Public Schools
  • Expenditures for Public Schools
  • Graph – 2023-2024 Expenditures for Public Schools
  • Graph – 2023-2024 Receipts for Public Schools
Career and Technical Education
  • Career and Technical Education
    Report shows agencies that received Career and Technical Education federal and state funds and Mississippi Department of Employment Security Industry Employment Projections that reflect the expected future number of Mississippi workers to be employed in the labor market within a 10-year time period.
Safe and Orderly Schools
  • Transportation
    Report shows data for privately owned and publicly owned vehicles.
  • State Public School Building Fund
    Report contains information about capital improvements of schools in the state.
  • School Safety
    Report includes counts on personnel trained and other accomplishments.
District Student Information
  • Average Daily Attendance by District
    Average Daily Attendance (ADA) information is reported from the Mississippi Student Information System for Months 1-9. ADA is the average number of pupils present each day school was in session during the period of the report.
  • Net Membership by Grade
    Net membership is the number of students belonging to a school unit at any given time. The membership is an ever-changing number and is found by adding the total number of student entries and total student re-entries, and subtracting the number of withdrawals. This report is for reporting period for month 01.
District Personnel Information
  • Instructional Personnel by District
    Report includes salary information reported by local school districts via the Mississippi Student Information System. This includes employees of the school district who are professionally trained and licensed to provide instruction and services to students enrolled in the school district.
  • Classroom Teacher Count and Average Salary
    Report includes salary information reported by local school districts via the Mississippi Student Information System and includes the total number of teachers, average pupil daily attendance per teacher, and the average classroom/instructional personnel salary.


*Comparison of Per-Pupil Expenditure Calculation in Superintendent’s Annual Report and the Mississippi Succeeds Report Card
View the Mississippi Succeeds Report Card at:

  • Mississippi Department of Education
    359 N. West St.
    P.O. Box 771
    Jackson, MS 39205-0771
    Educator Licensure: 601-359-3483
    General Information: 601-359-3513
    Copyright 2025
  • Image description