Title I, Part A School Programs

Schools that receive Title I funds must design and implement programs to support Title I students using one of two programs – (1) a schoolwide program or (2) a targeted assistance program.  Most Title I schools in Mississippi use a schoolwide program. 

Schoolwide Program

Any Title I school with at least forty percent poverty can use a schoolwide program.  Schools with less than forty percent poverty can use a schoolwide program with a waiver from MDE.

Important features of the schoolwide program include:

  • The school can spend Title I funds to upgrade its entire educational program,
  • All students in the school are considered “Title I students,” and
  • The school must develop a schoolwide plan describing the services it will provide.  The plan must be based on a comprehensive assessment of the school’s needs that takes into account the academic achievement of all students, particularly the needs of those of students struggling to meet state academic standards, and any other factors as determined by the local district.

Targeted Assistance Program

A targeted assistance program is available to any Title I school, with at least forty percent poverty, that does not use a schoolwide program.

Important features of the targeted assistance program include:

  • Schools must spend Title I funds to help educationally-disadvantaged students meet state standards, and
  • Students are eligible for Title I services if they: (1) are failing, or at risk of failing, to meet state standards, (2) participated in certain federally-funded preschool programs, (3) received services under the Migrant Education Program, (4) are in a local institution for neglected or delinquent children or are attending a community day program, or (5) are homeless.

MDE School Programs Guidance

USDE Schoolwide Guidance


  • Mississippi Department of Education
    359 N. West St.
    P.O. Box 771
    Jackson, MS 39205-0771
    Educator Licensure: 601-359-3483
    General Information: 601-359-3513
    Copyright 2025
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