Mississippi Department of Education, Office of Dropout Prevention: The Office of Dropout Prevention works with the other Mississippi Department of Education program offices, the community and organizations to help school districts retain more students through graduation. In addition, the department is responsible for alternative education and the District GED Option program.
Additional Resources
The National Post-School Outcomes Center (NPSO)-Publications: The publications section of the NPSO website provides research reports of five meta-analyses related to the effects of visual display interventions, mnemonic instruction, technology, self-management, and academic peer assistance interventions on academic performance for secondary-level youth with disabilities.
American Council on Education: The American Council on Education (ACE) is the governing body for the General Education Development Credential (GED).
Life Skills Instruction
Mississippi Department of Education, Healthy Schools: Healthy Schools’ goal is to empower students to get, interpret, and use basic health information and develop needed skills to enhance their individual well-being. Health Education focuses on the health and wellness of students. This website will provide curriculum and instructions for physical education, disease prevention, and access to the T.E.A.C.H. Mississippi Manual.
Additional National Resources
Ansell-Casey Life Skills Assessments (ACLSA): Here you will find free and easy-to-use tools to help young people prepare for adulthood. The life skills assessments provide instant feedback. Customized learning plans provide a clear outline of next steps, and the accompanying teaching resources are available for free or at a minimal cost.
Youthhood: The Youthhood web site, created by the National Center on Secondary Education and Transition (NCSET), is a dynamic, curriculum-based tool that can help young adults plan for life after high school. Although the site addresses youth directly, it is intended to be used as a curriculum within a classroom, community program, or in any setting where adults are working with youth to set goals and plan for the future. The Youthhood includes informational content, interactive activities, an online magazine, and a wealth of other opportunities for youth to connect what’s important to them to their learning experiences.
Center for Disabilities WorkAbility IV Program: The resources on this website are produced by WorkAbility IV (WAIV); a joint venture between the Department of Rehabilitation and the Center on Disabilities at California State University, Northridge (CSUN). This site provides tips for, and examples of, resumes, cover letters, interviewing and post-interviewing etiquette.
Partners in Employment: Partners in Employment is a six hour self-study course designed to help people with developmental disabilities find meaningful jobs and plan a career. Course participants create a resume or portfolio of their strengths, skills, and interests; learn how to network and identify potential employers; prepare for an interview; and understand the hiring process. There are NO registration fees.
CareerOneStop: CareerOneStop provides a video collection to learn about nearly 550 careers within the 16 career clusters, industries, skills and abilities employers are looking for in job candidates, and non-traditional careers and other work options.
The Arc of Mississippi: The Arc of Mississippi provides various resources and training to parents, parent groups, providers and professionals on a variety of topics.
Additional National Resource
I’m Determined Website: I’m Determined Website focuses on getting youth involved in their transition planning.
The Self-Determination Technical Assistance Centers Project: The Self-Determination Technical Assistance Centers project at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte is funded by a three-year Federal grant from the Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, H324R030029. This site provides resources and information for promoting self-determination practices for students with disabilities. Information for this site was gathered from four program sites identified as providing “exemplary practices” for promoting self-determination for students age 11 to 21 with mild, moderate, and severe disabilities.
National Youth Leadership Network: The National Youth Leadership Network (NYLN) is dedicated to advancing the next generation of disability leaders. The NYLN promotes leadership development, education, employment, independent living, and health and wellness among young leaders representing the diversity of race, ethnicity and disability in the United States. NYLN fosters the inclusion of young leaders with disabilities into all aspects of society at national, State and local levels and communicates about issues important to youth with disabilities and the policies and practices that affect their lives.
Mississippi Department of Education
359 N. West St.
P.O. Box 771
Jackson, MS 39205-0771
Educator Licensure: 601-359-3483
General Information: 601-359-3513
Copyright 2025