The Office of English Language Arts (ELA), as part of the Office of Elementary Education and Reading and the Office of Secondary Education, is responsible for providing support to teachers and schools throughout the state in the implementation of Mississippi’s College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS) for English Language Arts. The staff in the Office of English Language Arts develops resources for teachers, delivers statewide and school-based professional development, and supports schools in the alignment of curriculum, instruction, and assessment.
Instructional Planning Guides for English Language Arts K-12
Professional Development available by request.
- Mississippi’s College- and Career-Readiness Standards for English Language Arts (2016)
- Glossary of Terms for MS CCRS for English Language Arts
- Organization of MS CCRS for English Language Arts
Curriculum and Planning
- ELA Vertical Progression Document
- MS CCRS Scaffolding Documents
- EdReports
- Qualitative Rubrics for Measuring Text Complexity
- Mississippi Exemplar Units and Lesson Plans
- Mississippi Text Exemplar List for Grades 5-12
- EQuIP Quality Review Tool for ELA Lesson Plans
- Tools for Close Reading
- Mississippi Academic Assessment Program (MAAP) Resources
- SREB Readiness Course Outlines
- Cursive Writing Recommendations (2017)
- Social Studies and Science Topic List