What Works Clearinghouse: developed by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) (not categorized in ESSA evidence tiers; studies included here meet only most rigorous evidence criteria)
Results First Clearinghouse Database: developed by the Pew Charitable Trusts (not categorized in ESSA evidence tiers; evaluates interventions as rated by eight national databases)
Best Evidence Encyclopedia: developed by the Center for Data-Driven Reform in Education at Johns Hopkins University (not categorized in ESSA evidence tiers)
Evidence for ESSA: developed by Johns Hopkins University (categorized in ESSA evidence tiers)
Effective Practices: Research Briefs and Evidence Rating, is a new publication for district support for school success written by the Center on Innovations in Learning (CIL) is a national content center established to work with regional comprehensive centers and state education agencies (SEA) to build SEAs’ capacity to stimulate, select, implement, and scale up innovation in learning
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