State Board Policy 7219: SB Policy 7219 is Mississippi’s Policy for Special Education.
State Board Policy 7219 Procedures: SB Policy 7219 Procedure document is Mississippi’s Procedures for Special Education.
Indicator 13: Indicator 13 is designed to meet the minimum requirements for collecting and reporting data on Indicator 13 of the Part B State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report. It allows a school, district, or state to review the data for each item simultaneously across all post-secondary goal areas.
Additional National Resource
a.National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center (NSTTAC): NSTTAC provides a host of information to assist state agencies in the area of secondary transition. The agency created a toolkit to called the NSTTAC Evaluation Toolkit Second Edition. It is a guide to assist transition educators and service providers to improve their programs and services by determining what is working, what is not working, and what needs to be changed or replicated. It provides specific examples for state and local teams who are developing goals and activities to improve transition education and services for students with disabilities. The toolkit is designed to help determine what is important to your stakeholders, what needs to be measured to satisfy stakeholders, what is feasible to measure, how to measure these items, and how to report, disseminate, and use your evaluation findings.
Mississippi Department of Education
359 N. West St.
P.O. Box 771
Jackson, MS 39205-0771
Educator Licensure: 601-359-3483
General Information: 601-359-3513
Copyright 2025