Indicator 6 of the SPP/APR measures the percentage of preschool children ages 3 through 5 with IEPs attending a
A: Regular early childhood program and receiving the majority of special education and related services in the regular early childhood program; and
B: Separate education class, separate school or a residential facility.
** – Five-year-old children who participate in a kindergarten program are not included in this count. Those students are included in Indicator 5. Only three-, four- and five-year-old students in preschool classes should be included in the Indicator 6 count.
To help school districts understand how to classify preschool students for reporting on Indicator 6, the Office of Special Education created this decision tree.
OSEP issued a Dear Colleague letter on February 29, 2012, which reiterated that the least restrictive environment (LRE) requirements apply to the placement of preschool children with disabilities.