September 13, 2013 Agenda

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Mississippi Board of Education
September 13, 2013
8:30 A.M.
4th Floor Boardroom
Central High School Building
359 North West Street
Jackson, Mississippi



I. Call to order 

II. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and Invocation 

III. Approval of Minutes of August 15-16, 2013

IV.  Additions or deletions – Approval of agenda

V. Report of the Chair

VI. Approval of Action Items
     (Items below are numbered to correspond to the items as discussed on Thursday, September 12, 2013.) 

  1. Approval of action of the Commission on School Accreditation concerning the assignment of district accreditation statuses (Office of Educational Accountability)
  2. Approval of the 2013 Accountability Results (Office of Educational Accountability)
  3. Approval to begin the Administrative Procedures Act process:  To approve the proposed recommendations for the Statewide Accountability System beginning school year 2013-2014 (Office of Educational Accountability)
  4. [PULLED]
  5. Approval to pilot Dropout Prevention Plan/Graduation Completion Plan (Office of School Improvement, Oversight and Recovery)
  6. Approval to pilot Dashboards to Diplomas:  Using Data for Student Success (Office of School Improvement, Oversight and Recovery)
  7. Approval to begin the Administration Procedures Act process:  To establish the School Safety Educational Leadership Framework (K-3) (Office of School Improvement, Oversight and Recovery)
  8. Approval to submit an amendment to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Flexibility Request for additional waivers (Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations)
  9. Approval to award competitive grants for the Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program (Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations)
  10. Approval to begin the Administrative Procedures Act process: To revise the Mississippi Business and Technology Framework (Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations)
  11. Approval to award discretionary grants to support National Board Certification career paths (Office of Quality Professionals and Special Schools)
  12. Approval to modify a continuation grant to Mississippi State University – Mississippi Migrant Education Service Center (Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations)
  13. Approval of determination and resolution by the State Board of Education that an extreme emergency situation exists in the Claiborne County School District (Office of Educational Accountability)
  14. Approval of determination by the State Board of Education to officially abolish the Claiborne County School District contingent upon a declaration of a state of emergency in the District by the Governor (Office of Educational Accountability)
  15. Approval of request to the Governor that the Governor declare a state of emergency in the Claiborne County School District (Office of Educational Accountability) 
  16. Approval of appointment of a Conservator for the Claiborne County School District contingent upon a declaration of a state of emergency in the District by the Governor (Office of School Improvement, Oversight and Recovery)
  17. Approval to contract for Conservator for the Claiborne County School District (Office of School Improvement, Oversight and Recovery)
  18. Approval of determination and resolution by the State Board of Education that an extreme emergency situation exists in the Yazoo City School District (Office of Educational Accountability)
  19. Approval of determination by the State Board of Education to officially abolish the Yazoo City School District contingent upon a declaration of a state of emergency in the District by the Governor (Office of Educational Accountability)
  20. Approval of request to the Governor that the Governor declare a state of emergency in the Yazoo City School District (Office of Educational Accountability)
  21. Approval of appointment of a Conservator for the Yazoo City School District contingent upon a declaration of a state of emergency in the District by the Governor (Office of School Improvement, Oversight and Recovery)
  22. Approval to contract for Conservator for the Yazoo City School District (Office of School Improvement, Oversight and Recovery
  23. Approval of determination and resolution by the State Board of Education that an extreme emergency situation exists in the Leflore County School District (Office of Educational Accountability)
  24. Approval of determination by the State Board of Education to officially abolish the Leflore County School District contingent upon a declaration of a state of emergency in the District by the Governor (Office of Educational Accountability)
  25. Approval of request to the Governor that the Governor declare a state of emergency in the Leflore County School District (Office of Educational Accountability)
  26. Approval of appointment of a Conservator for the Leflore County School District contingent upon a declaration of a state of emergency in the District by the Governor (Office of School Improvement, Oversight and Recovery)
  27. Approval to modify contract for Conservator for the Leflore County School District (Office of School Improvement, Oversight and Recovery)
  28. Approval of appointment of a Conservator for the Aberdeen School District (Office of School Improvement, Oversight and Recovery)
  29. Approval to contract for Conservator for the Aberdeen School District (Office of School Improvement, Oversight and Recovery)    
  30. Consent Agenda 
    1. Approval of monthly contracts with former State Employees receiving retirement benefits (Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations) 
    2. Approval to award competitive grants for the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations)
    3. Approval to modify the 2013 Legislative Session grant to Mississippi Arts Commission – Arts Institute (Office of State Superintendent)
  31. Action on the request of Yazoo City School District to grant a delay in the transformation of the Yazoo City High School into a New Start School (Office of State Superintendent)

VII. Recognition Ceremony

            2013 August Employee of the Month
            Tina Sellers
            Office of Instructional Enhancement
            Projects Officer IV, Special

VIII. State Board of Education

  1. Report on meetings attended
  2. Approval of attendance at meetings

IX. Other Business

X. Adjournment


If you need accommodations due to a disability, contact our office at 601-359-1750.
NOTE: Cellular telephones and pagers that give an audible signal are not permitted during Board meeting.



  • Mississippi Department of Education
    359 N. West St.
    P.O. Box 771
    Jackson, MS 39205-0771
    Educator Licensure: 601-359-3483
    General Information: 601-359-3513
    Copyright 2025
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