May 21, 2020 Board Agenda

Print Version

Mississippi Board of Education
May 21, 2020
10:00 a.m.
4th Floor Boardroom
Central High School Building
Mississippi Department of Education (MDE)
359 North West Street
Jackson, Mississippi


I.          Call to Order

II.         Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and Invocation

III.        Approval of minutes of April 16, 2020 Board Meeting

IV.        Approval of Agenda

V.         Report of State Superintendent of Education

VI.        Report of Chair

VII.       Report of Student Representatives

VIII.      Report on State Board of Education Subcommittee (SBE) Meetings

IX.        Discussion and/or Approval of Board Items (All action items require vote)

      1. 01. Action: Approval by the SBE to suspend strict compliance with Miss. Code Ann. § 37-13-10 for the 2019 – 2020 school year following Governor Tate Reeves’ Proclamation of a State of Emergency as a result of the impact of COVID-19 (coronavirus) on school districts during the Spring of 2020 in accordance with Miss. Code Ann. § 33-15-31, 33-15-11(b)(9) and 33-15-11(c)(1) [Goals 1 and 2 – MBE Strategic Plan] (Nathan Oakley) Back-up material


      1. 02. Action: Approval by the SBE to extend the funding period of 2018-2019 McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program awards as a result of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), March 27, 2020 [Goals 1and 2 – MBE Strategic Plan] (Nathan Oakley) Back-up material


      1. 03. Action: Approval by the SBE to delegate to the State Superintendent of Education or her designee the authority to review and approve plans for summer learning and enrichment measures as required by Governor Tate Reeves’ Executive Order 1476 [Goals 1 and 2 – MBE Strategic Plan] (Nathan Oakley) Back-up material


      1. 04. Information: Overview of the Hanover Research (Hanover) Regional Labor Market Analysis [Goals1, 2, and 6 – MBE Strategic Plan] (Nathan Oakley) Back-up material


      1. 05. Action: Approval of a temporary rule and to begin the Administrative Procedures Act process to revise Part 189: Mississippi School Safety Manual [Goals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 – MBE Strategic Plan] (Paula Vanderford) Back-up material


      1. 06. Action: Approval to begin the Administrative Procedures Act Process: To revise Miss. Admin. Code 7 – 4: Part 4: Licensure Guidelines K-12 to modify the licensure requirements for obtaining and maintaining an Advanced Placement (AP) supplemental (add-on) endorsement that is added to a valid standard five-year Mississippi teacher license to teach Advanced Placement courses [Goal 4 – MBE Strategic Plan] (Paula Vanderford) Back-up material


    1. 07. Action: Approval of the MDE Contracts [Goals 1, 2, and 5 – MBE Strategic Plan] (Felicia Gavin) Back-up material
          1. 07.A. Action: Renew contract with Questar Assessment, Inc. (QAI) for Fiscal Year 2021 to administer the English Language Arts and Mathematics in grades 3-8; Science Grades 5 & 8; and High School Algebra I, English II, and Biology I as part of the Mississippi Academic Assessment Program – Alternate, (MAAP-A) for students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities (SCD) [Goals 1 and 2 – MBE Strategic Plan] (Paula Vanderford) Back-up material


          1. 07.B. Action: Renew contract with Data Recognition Corporation (DRC) for Fiscal Year 2021 to administer the 5th and 8th Grade Science assessment, and End-of-Course assessments in Biology and U.S. History as part of the Mississippi Academic Assessment Program, (MAAP) [Goals 1 and 2 – MBE Strategic Plan] (Paula Vanderford) Back-up material


          1. 07.C. Action: Renew contract with Questar Assessment, Inc. (QAI) for Fiscal Year 2021 to administer the English Language Arts and Mathematics in Grades 3-8, End-of-Course in Algebra I, English II, and options for Geometry and Algebra II as part of the Mississippi Academic Assessment Program, (MAAP) [Goals 1 and 2 – MBE Strategic Plan] (Paula Vanderford) Back-up material


          1. 07.D. Action: Renew contracts with Monitoring and Compliance Fiscal Specialists II for the Fiscal Year 2021 for the Office of Federal Programs [Goal 5 – MBE Strategic Plan] (Nathan Oakley) Back-up material


    2. 08. Action: Approval of the MDE grant awards [Goals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6– MBE Strategic Plan] (Felicia Gavin) Back-up material
          1. 08.A. Action: Award grant to Mississippi School Boards Association to conduct basic and continuing education for local school boards, and conduct training for school board members and school superintendents in failing school districts, as required by Miss. Code Ann. § 37-3-4 [Goals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 – MBE Strategic Plan] (Paula Vanderford) Back-up material


          1. 08.B. Action: Award competitive grants for the Mississippi Community Oriented Policing Services in Schools (MCOPS) grant program [Goals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 – MBE Strategic Plan] (Paula Vanderford) Back-up material


          1. 08.C. Action: Renewal of Educator in Residence (EIR) Grants to school districts for literacy coaches [Goals 1, 2, 4, and 6 – MBE Strategic Plan] (Nathan Oakley) Back-up material


    3. 09. Consent Agenda (All consent items are action items which require vote, unless otherwise noted.) Back-up material
          1. A. Approval to establish the Mississippi Alternate Academic Achievement Standards for K-8 Social Studies, Career Readiness III & IV, and Life Skills Development III & IV
            (Has cleared the Administrative Procedures Act process with public comments) (Nathan Oakley) Back-up material


          1. B. Approval to establish State Board Policy Part 3, Chapter 30, Rule 30.8 – Educational Stability for Students in Foster Care
            (Has cleared the Administrative Procedures Act process without public comments) (Nathan Oakley) Back-up material


          1. C. Approval of the 2020-2021 Student Handbooks for the State Schools (Nathan Oakley) Back-up material


          1. D. Approval of the Mississippi School of the Arts Operations Policy Manual (Nathan Oakley) Back-up material


          1. E. Approval of the 2020-2021 Teacher and Principal Contracts for the Mississippi School of the Arts (Nathan Oakley) Back-up material


          1. F. Approval to begin the Administrative Procedures Act process: To revise Miss. Admin. Code 7-3: 28.3, State Board Policy Chapter 28, Rule 28.3: Access to a Substantive and Rigorous Curriculum Policy, Miss. Admin Code: 7-24, Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards, 2019, Process Standard 26 and Appendices A and B, Miss. Admin. Code: 7-163: Mississippi Nonpublic School Accountability Standards, 2019, Process Standard 22 and Appendices A and B (Paula Vanderford) Back-up material


          1. G. Report of monthly contracts with former State Employees receiving retirement benefits (Felicia Gavin) Back-up material


X.       Consideration of Executive Session

XI.      State Board of Education

      1. 1.  Report on meetings attended


      1. 2.  Approval of attendance at meetings


      1. 3.  Approval of meeting dates for Fiscal Year 2021


XII.     Other Business

      1. 1.  Approval of the Board Budget Work Session to discuss upcoming Department budgets to change the date from June 10, 2020 starting at 2:00 pm to June 11, 2020 starting at 8:30 am.


XIII.     Adjournment

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NOTE:           Cellular telephones and pagers that give an audible signal are not permitted during Board meeting.


  • Mississippi Department of Education
    359 N. West St.
    P.O. Box 771
    Jackson, MS 39205-0771
    Educator Licensure: 601-359-3483
    General Information: 601-359-3513
    Copyright 2025
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