June 20, 2013 Agenda

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Mississippi Board of Education
June 20, 2013
10:00 A.M.
4th Floor Boardroom
Central High School Building
359 North West Street
Jackson, Mississippi



  1. Report of State Superintendent of Education Backup material
  2. Report on State Board of Education Subcommittee meetings Backup material
  3. Reports from the following conservator school districts:  Tate County School District and Aberdeen School District (Larry Drawdy) Backup material
  4. Discussion of methodology to award Mississippi Community Oriented Policing (MCOPs) grant dollars under Mississippi Senate Bill 2659 to local and county law enforcement agencies or local education agencies with School Resource Officers (SRO) certified in accordance with Section 37-7-321 Mississippi Code of 1972, Annotated (Larry Drawdy) Backup material
  5. Discussion of revised methodology to award discretionary grants to school districts, public institutions of higher learning, community colleges, and state agencies to participate in a Mississippi Department of Education Educators in Residence program (Kim Benton) Backup material
  6. Discussion to revise the Mississippi Early Learning Standards for Classrooms Serving Three-Year Old Children (Has cleared the Administrative Procedures Act process with public comments) (Kim Benton) Backup material
  7. Discussion to revise the Mississippi Early Learning Standards for Classrooms Serving Four-Year Old Children (Has cleared the Administrative Procedures Act process with public comments) (Kim Benton) Backup material
  8. [PULLED]
  9. Discussion to contract with the Research Foundation for the State University of New York (SUNY – ESCORT) to provide technical assistance and professional development for the Migrant Education Program (Kim Benton) Backup material
  10. Discussion to contract with Dungan Consulting, Inc., to provide consultative services as a Federal Programs monitor (Kim Benton) Backup material
  11. Discussion to contract with Hamilton Educational Services, LLC, to provide consultative services as a Federal Programs monitor (Kim Benton) Backup material
  12. Discussion to contract with NCS Pearson, Inc., for the operation of the Mississippi Science Test, Second Edition (MST2), Grades 5 and 8 (Kim Benton) Backup material
  13. Discussion to award a discretionary grant to Noxubee County School District for the purpose of contracting with an Educator in Residence to provide consultative services and technical assistance (Kim Benton) Backup material
  14. Discussion to extend contract with Xap Corporation to provide a Career Information Delivery System (Kim Benton) Backup material
  15. Discussion to contract with Canvas by Instructure to provide and host an on-line instructional software solution for the Office of Career and Technical Education (Kim Benton) Backup material
  16. Discussion to contract with Bruce Stirewalt to provide services relative to technical assistance as a consultant for the Mississippi Career and Technical Education program (Kim Benton) Backup material
  17. Discussion to award competitive grants for 2014 Engineering Enhancement for 21st Century (Kim Benton) Backup material
  18. Discussion to award competitive grants for the Career Academy Implementation Project (Kim Benton) Backup material
  19. Discussion to modify the Memorandum of Agreement between the Mississippi Department of Education and the Mississippi Community College Board (Kim Benton) Backup material
  20. Discussion of appointment of an Education Bureau Director II with the Office of Career and Technical Education (Kim Benton) Backup material
  21. Discussion to modify grant awards to two pilot school districts implementing the Excellence for All program for the purpose of providing ACT and Cambridge professional development for five pilot school districts (Kim Benton) Backup material
  22. Discussion to extend contract with Ciber, Inc., to provide developers for modifications and enhancements to a web-based payment and contract system (Kim Benton) Backup material
  23. Discussion to contract with Barbara Kastner to provide consultative services relative to serving as a screening team member for the Educable Child program (Kim Benton) Backup material
  24. Discussion to contract with Fluency Plus, LLC to provide consultative services to the Mississippi Department of Education, Office of Special Education to provide technical assistance and training to selected school districts and State agency school programs(Kim Benton) Backup material
  25. Discussion of grant to Mississippi University for Women to operate the Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science for the 2013-2014 school year (Daphne Buckley) Board material
  26. Discussion of the Brookhaven School District Interlocal Agreement to provide instructional services for the Mississippi School of the Arts during the 2013-2014 school year (Daphne Buckley) Board material
  27. Discussion to begin the Administrative Procedures Act process:  Approval of revisions to State Board Policy 1706, Commission, Hearings and Appeals (Daphne Buckley) Board material
  28. Discussion to begin the Administrative Procedures Act process:  Approval of revisions to State Board Policy 1710, Reporting Infractions (Daphne Buckley) Board material
  29. Discussion to modify grant awards for the Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) Grant (Daphne Buckley) Board material
  30. Discussion to renew grant to the University of Mississippi for the Mississippi Teacher Fellowship Program (subject to the availability of funds) (Daphne Buckley) Board material
  31. Discussion of the Corrective Action Plan for the Yazoo City School District in accordance with Accreditation Policy 2.8.1 (Mike Kent)
  32. Discussion of the Corrective Action Plan for the Leflore County School District in accordance with Accreditation Policy 2.8.1 (Mike Kent)
  33. Discussion to contract with Coast Accountability Statistical Services, LLC to work with and assist in developing training, documentation, and business rule support for the Accountability System; also work with Office of Management Information Systems, Office of Accreditation (and Accountability), and the Office of Reporting to perform calculations, assist with investigations for appeals and meet reporting requirements (Mike Kent) Backup material
  34. Report on the Mississippi Statewide Accountability System for 2013-2014 (Mike Kent) Backup material
  35. Discussion to award a grant to Mississippi School Boards Association to conduct basic and continuing education for local school boards, and conduct training for school board members and school superintendents in failing school districts, as required by Section 37-3-4 of the MS Code Annotated of 1972 (Mike Kent) Backup material
  36. Discussion of contract renewal with the Office of the Attorney General to provide the full-time equivalent of five full-time attorneys to perform legal services and one full-time administrative assistant to perform support services for legal staff for the State Board of Education for FY 2014 (subject to Attorney General’s approval) (Mike Kent) Backup material
  37. Discussion of reports which contain student, fiscal and personnel data subject to State Board of Education policy on withholding Mississippi Adequate Education Program Funds for the 2013-2014 School Year (State Board Policy – 4904) (Todd Ivey) Backup material
  38. Discussion to establish State Board Policy 5151 – Consolidation of School Districts  (Has cleared the Administrative Procedures Act process no public comment) (Lynn House) Board material
  39. Discussion of consideration of appeal to the State Board of Education regarding the April 11, 2013, Licensure decision rendered by the Commission on Teacher and Administrator Education, Certification and Licensure Development (Daphne Buckley) Board material
  40. Discussion of consideration of appeal to the State Board of Education regarding the May 22, 2013, Licensure decision rendered by the Commission on Teacher and Administrator Education, Certification and Licensure Development (Daphne Buckley) Board material
  41. Consent Agenda Board material
    1. Discussion of monthly contracts with former State Employees receiving retirement benefits (Kim Benton) Backup material
    2. Discussion of Career and Technical Education grants for special projects appropriated by the Mississippi Legislature, House Bill 1648 (Kim Benton) Backup material
    3. Discussion to revise the Mississippi Physical Education Framework for K-12  (Has cleared the Administrative Procedures Act process with no public comment) (Kim Benton) Backup material
    4. Discussion to renew contracts with Luvel Dairy for distribution of milk and ice cream products to local organizations in the State Food Purchasing Program (Kim Benton) Backup material
    5. Discussion to award competitive contracts to various full-line food distributors to supply and deliver food products to local organizations in the State Food Purchasing Program (Kim Benton) Backup material
    6. Discussion to renew contracts with vendors for the adoption of textbooks in the areas of Mathematics, Grades K-12, Business and Technology Education, Grades K-12, and Driver’s Education, Grades 9-12  (Kim Benton) Backup material
    7. Discussion to enter into an Agreement with the Mississippi Community College Foundation to continue to administer the Alternate Route Teacher Certification Program known as the Mississippi Alternate Path to Quality Teachers (MAPQT) for the 2013-14 school year (Daphne Buckley) Board material
    8. Discussion to enter into an Agreement with the Mississippi Community College Foundation to continue to administer the Alternate Route Administrator Program known as the Mississippi Alternate Path to Quality School Leadership  (MAPQSL) for the 2013-2014 school year (Daphne Buckley) Board material
    9. Discussion of school districts with need for administrators to participate in the Mississippi School Administrator Sabbatical Program (Daphne Buckley) Board material
    10. Discussion of the Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science Abstinence Plus Policy to remain in compliance with Mississippi Code of 1972, Annotated, Section 37-13-171 (Daphne Buckley) Board material
    11. Discussion of the Mississippi School for the Blind 2013-2014 Crisis Response Plans (Daphne Buckley) Board material
    12. Discussion of the Mississippi School for the Blind 2013-2014 School Wellness Policy (Daphne Buckley) Board material
    13. Discussion of the Mississippi School for the Blind 2013-2014 Staff Handbook (Daphne Buckley) Board material
    14. Discussion of the Mississippi School for the Blind 2013-2014 Student Handbook and Academic Calendar (Daphne Buckley) Board material
    15. Discussion of grant awards for special projects appropriated by the Mississippi Legislature, House Bill 1648, 2013 Legislative Session (subject to the availability of funds) (Lynn House) Board material
    16. Discussion of Security Service Agreement with the Department of Finance and Administration, Capitol Police, for the provision of security services at the Mississippi Department of Education, Central High School Building (Lynn House) Board material
    17. Report on Personnel Actions (Cassandra Moore) Board Material
  42. Consideration of Executive Session


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NOTE: Cellular telephones and pagers that give an audible signal are not permitted during Board meeting.


  • Mississippi Department of Education
    359 N. West St.
    P.O. Box 771
    Jackson, MS 39205-0771
    Educator Licensure: 601-359-3483
    General Information: 601-359-3513
    Copyright 2025
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