January 19, 2017 Agenda

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Mississippi Board of Education
January 19, 2017
10:00 a.m.
4th Floor Boardroom
Central High School Building
359 North West Street
Jackson, Mississippi 


I.          Call to Order

II.         Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and Invocation

III.        Approval of minutes of December 14, 2016 Work Session and December 15, 2016 Board Meeting

IV.       Approval of Agenda

V.        Recognition Ceremony
           2017 Legion of Valor Honorees
           Cadet Anna Mitchell
           Northwest Rankin High School
           Rankin County School District
           Cadet Zachary Beasley
           Brandon High School
           Rankin County School District

           Cadet Victoria Hawkins
           Jim Hill High School
           Jackson Public School District

           2017 January Employee of the Month
           Janice Shannon
           Personnel Officer III
           Office of Human Resources

VI.       Report of State Superintendent of Education

VII.      Report of Chair

VIII.     Report on State Board of Education Subcommittee Meetings

IX.       Discussion of Board Items


  1.  Information: Progress on the Mississippi Board of Education’s 5-year Strategic Plan for 2016-2020 [Goals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6] (Carey Wright) Back-up material
  2.  Information:  Report of the 2017 graduation rates for the state, district and school levels [Goal 2 – MBE Strategic Plan] (Paula Vanderford) Back-up material
  3.  Action: Begin the Administrative Procedures Act process:  To revise the Mississippi College- and Career-Readiness Standards for Science [Goals 1 and 2 – MBE Strategic Plan] (Kim Benton) Back-up material
  4.  PULLED
  5. Information: Publication of the Mississippi English / Language Arts and Mathematics Exemplar Units for Grades PK-10 [Goals 1 and 4 – MBE Strategic Plan] (Kim Benton) Back-up material
  6. Information: Report on the results of the Fall 2016 Kindergarten Readiness Assessment [Goal 3 – MBE Strategic Plan] (Kim Benton) Back-up material
  7. Action:  Revise English Language Proficiency Test (ELPT) score requirements for English Learners (EL) to exit EL status [Goals 1, 2, 3, and 4 – MBE Strategic Plan] (Paula Vanderford and Kim Benton) Back-up material
  9. Consent Agenda (All consent items are Action items) Back-up material
    1. Monthly contracts with former State Employees receiving retirement benefits (Washington Cole) Back-up material
    2. Textbooks, as recommended by the 2016 State Textbook Rating Committee for the adoption of textbooks in the areas of English Language Arts (K-5, 6-8, and 9-12), Reading (K-5), Literature (6-8 and 9-12), and World Languages (K-12) (Kim Benton) Back-up material
    3. Contract with vendors as recommended by the 2016 State Textbook Rating Committee for the adoption of textbooks in the areas of English Language Arts (K-5, 6-8, and 9-12), Reading (K-5), Literature (6-8 and 9-12), and World Languages (K-12) (Kim Benton) Back-up material
    4. PULLED
    5. Office of Secondary Education Advanced Placement (AP) endorsement codes (Paula Vanderford) Back-up material

X.       Approval of Action Items

  1. Action: Approval to begin the Administrative Procedures Act process:  To revise the Mississippi College- and Career-Readiness Standards for Science [Goals 1 and 2 – MBE Strategic Plan]   
         (Office of Chief Academic Officer)
  2. Action: Approval to award competitive School Improvement Grants (SIG) [Goal 6 – MBE Strategic Plan]
         (Office of Chief Academic Officer)
  3. Action: Approval to revise English Language Proficiency Test (ELPT) score requirements for English Learners (EL) to exit EL status [Goals 1, 2, 3, and 4 – MBE Strategic Plan]
     (Office of Chief of Research and Development)
     (Office of Chief Academic Officer)
  4. Consent Agenda (All consent items are Action items)
    1. Monthly contracts with former State Employees receiving retirement benefits
             (Office of Chief Operations Officer)
    2.  Textbooks, as recommended by the 2016 State Textbook Rating Committee for the adoption of textbooks in the areas of English Language Arts (K-5, 6-8, and 9-12), Reading (K-5), Literature (6-8 and 9-12), and World Languages (K-12)
              (Office of Chief Academic Officer)
    3. Contract with vendors as recommended by the 2016 State Textbook Rating Committee for the adoption of textbooks in the areas of English Language Arts (K-5, 6-8, and 9-12), Reading (K-5), Literature (6-8 and 9-12), and World Languages (K-12)
               (Office of Chief Academic Officer)
    4.  Revise the Mississippi Testing Accommodations Manual
      (Has cleared the Administrative Procedures Act process with/without public comment)
               (Office of Chief of Research and Development)Office of Secondary Education
    5. Advanced Placement (AP) endorsement codes
             (Office of Chief of Research and Development)

XI.      Consideration of Executive Session

XII.      State Board of Education

           1.     Report on meetings attended

           2.     Approval of attendance at meetings

XIII.     Other Business

XIV.     Adjournment       

If you need accommodations due to a disability, contact our office at 601-359-1750.

NOTE:  Cellular telephones and pagers that give an audible signal are not permitted during Board meeting.



  • Mississippi Department of Education
    359 N. West St.
    P.O. Box 771
    Jackson, MS 39205-0771
    Educator Licensure: 601-359-3483
    General Information: 601-359-3513
    Copyright 2025
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