January 18 board agenda

Print Version

Mississippi Board of Education
January 18, 2024
10:00 a.m.
4th Floor Boardroom
Central High School Building
Mississippi Department of Education (MDE)
359 North West Street
Jackson, Mississippi


I.          Call to Order

II.         Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and Invocation

III.        Approval of minutes of December 21, 2023 Board meeting

IV.        Approval of Agenda

V.         Recognition Ceremony

National Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Distinguished School

Category 2 – Closing the achievement gap between student groups
Jackson County School District
Vancleave Lower Elementary School
Krista Sablich, Principal

VI.        Report of State Superintendent of Education

VII.       Report of Chair

VIII.      Report of the Student Representatives

IX.        Report on State Board of Education Subcommittee (SBE) Meetings

X.         Discussion and/or Approval of Board Items (All action items require vote)

    1. 01. Information: Progress on the Mississippi State Board of Education’s (SBE) Strategic Plan [Goals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 – MBE Strategic Plan] (Raymond C. Morgigno) Back-up material
    1. 02. Information: Report of the 2024 graduation rates for the state, district, and school levels [Goal 2 – MBE Strategic Plan] (Paula Vanderford) Back-up material
  1. 03. Action: Approval of the MDE Contract [Goal 5 – MBE Strategic Plan] (Felicia Gavin) Back-up material
      1. 03.A. Action: Modify contract with Mythics, Inc. to provide Oracle Licensing Support [Goal 5 – MBE Strategic Plan] (John Kraman) Back-up material
  2. 04. Consent Agenda (All consent items are action items which require vote, unless otherwise noted.) Back-up material
      1. A. Approval of monthly expenditures for the Mississippi School of the Arts (Donna Boone) Back-up material
      1. B. Approval of monthly expenditures for the Mississippi Schools for the Deaf and the Blind (Donna Boone) Back-up material
      1. C. Approval of certified personnel for the Mississippi School of the Arts, Mississippi Schools for the Deaf and the Blind, and Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science (Donna Boone) Back-up material
      1. D. Approval to adopt policies required by state statute for the Mississippi Schools for the Deaf and the Blind to be placed on the District Policy Service website established by the Mississippi School Boards Association (Donna Boone) Back-up material
          1. 1. Section: I; Policy Code: ICF
            Policy: Curriculum Adoption
          1. 2. Section: I; Policy Code: IC
            Policy: Curriculum Development
          1. 3. Section: I; Policy Code: ICB
            Policy: Curriculum Development Planning
          1. 4. Section: I; Policy Code: ICA
            Policy: Curriculum Development Resources/Equipment and Supplies Section and Adoption
          1. 5. Section: J; Policy Code: JRD
            Policy: Detention Facility Records
          1. 6. Section: J; Policy Code: JCDAC
            Policy: Drugs and Alcohol (Possessions or Reasonable Suspicion)
          1. 7. Section: J; Policy Code: JGCDA-P
            Policy: Management of Narcan and Other Opioid Antagonists
          1. 8. Section: I; Policy Code: ICG
            Policy: Sex-Related Education
      2. E. Approval to begin the Administrative Procedures Act process: To revise State Board Policy Chapter 56, Rule 56.1 – Distance Learning, Blended Learning, and Online Courses (Donna Boone) Back-up material
      1. F. Approval to begin the Administrative Procedures Act process: To revise State Board Policy Chapter 28, Rule 28.2 – Approved Courses for the Secondary Schools (Donna Boone) Back-up material
      1. G. Approval to add Amplify Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) K- 8 to the Mississippi Department of Education adopted textbook list (Donna Boone) Back-up material
      1. H. Approval of appointments to the Commission on Teacher and Administrator Education, Certification and Licensure and Development (Paula Vanderford) Back-up material
      1. I. Approval to begin the Administrative Procedures Act process: To revise Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards, 2023, Appendix F, Requirements of the Mississippi Statewide Assessment System – Standard 16 (Paula Vanderford) Back-up material
      1. J. Approval to revise Miss. Admin. Code 7-3: Chapter 1 – Accountability, Rule 1.1 – Educational Accountability (Has cleared the Administrative Procedures Act process without public comments) (Sonya Amis) Back-up material
      1. K. Approval to revise Miss. Admin. Code 7-2: Chapter 2 – Organization of the State Board, Rule 2.3 – Student Representatives of the Mississippi State Board of Education
        (Has cleared the Administrative Procedures Act process without public comments) (Sonya Amis) Back-up material

XI.       Consideration of Executive Session

XII.       State Board of Education

    1. 1.  Report on meetings attended
    1. 2.  Approval of attendance at meetings

XIII.      Other Business

XIV.      Adjournment

View the live stream of Mississippi State Board of Education meetings at https://msachieves.mdek12.org

If you need accommodations due to a disability, contact our office at 601-359-1750.

NOTE:           Cellular telephones and pagers that give an audible signal are not permitted during Board meeting.

  • Mississippi Department of Education
    359 N. West St.
    P.O. Box 771
    Jackson, MS 39205-0771
    Educator Licensure: 601-359-3483
    General Information: 601-359-3513
    Copyright 2025
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