April 11, 2019 Board Agenda

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Mississippi Board of Education
 April 11, 2019
11:30 a.m.
Jackson Public School District Building
662 S. President Street
Jackson, Mississippi


I.          Call to Order

II.         Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and Invocation

III.        Approval of minutes of March 28, 2019 Board Meeting

IV.        Approval of Agenda

V.         Recognition Ceremony
VI.        Report of State Superintendent of Education

VII.       Report of Chair

VIII.      Report on State Board of Education Subcommittee Meetings

IX.        Discussion and/or Approval of Board Items (All action items require vote)

    1. 01.   Action:  Selection of the district(s) that will comprise the Mississippi Achievement School District [Goals 1, 2, and 6 – MBE Strategic Plan] (Paula Vanderford) Back-up material
    2. 02.   Action:  Approval of a temporary rule and to begin the Administrative Procedures Act process: To establish State Board Policy Part 3, Chapter 36, Rule 36.6: Optional Graduation Requirements for Students Displaced by a Federally or Nationally Declared Natural Disaster [Goals 2 and 6 – MBE Strategic Plan] (Paula Vanderford) Back-up material
    3. 03.   Action:  Approval of the Mississippi Department of Education contracts [Goals 1, 2, and 4 – MBE Strategic Plan] (Felicia Gavin) Back-up material

        1. 03.A.  Action:  Monthly contracts with former State Employees receiving retirement benefits [Goal 4 – MBE Strategic Plan] (Felicia Gavin) Back-up material
        2. 03.B.  Action:  Renew contract with Voyager Sopris Learning, Inc. for Fiscal Year 2020 for the operation of the Mississippi K-3 Literacy Professional Development Training System [Goals 1 and 4 – MBE Strategic Plan] (Nathan Oakley) Back-up material
        3. 03.C.  Action:  Renew contract with Research and Curriculum Unit, Mississippi State University for Fiscal Year 2020 for the operation of the Mississippi Career and Planning and Assessment System, Third Edition (MS-CPAS3) [Goals 1 and 2 – MBE Strategic Plan] (Nathan Oakley) Back-up material
        4. 03.D.  Action:  Renew the contract with Data Recognition Corporation (DRC) for Fiscal Year 2020 to administer the LAS Links, English Language Proficiency Test (ELPT) [Goals 1 and 2 – MBE Strategic Plan] Paula Vanderford) Back-up material
        5. 03.E.  Action:  Renew the contract with Data Recognition Corporation (DRC) for fiscal Year 2020 to administer the 5th and 8th Grade Science assessment, and End-of-Course assessments in Biology and U.S. History [Goals 1 and 2 – MBE Strategic Plan] (Paula Vanderford) Back-up material
        6. 03.F.  Action:  Renew the contract with Renaissance Learning, Inc. (RL) for Fiscal Year 2020 to provide a Kindergarten Readiness Assessment tool using Renaissance Data Integration (RDI) services [Goals 1 and 2 – MBE Strategic Plan] (Paula Vanderford) Back-up material
        7. 03.G.  Action:  Renew the contract with Questar Assessment, Inc. (QAI) for Fiscal Year 2020 to administer alternate assessments for the Mississippi Academic Assessment Program – Alternate (MAAP-A) for English  Language Arts and Mathematics in Grades 3-8; Science Grades 5 and 8; and High School Algebra I, English II, and Biology I Alternate Assessments for students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities (SCD) [Goals 1 and 2 – MBE  Strategic Plan] (Paula Vanderford) Back-up material
        8. 03.H.  Action:  Renew the contract with Questar Assessment, Inc. (QAI) for Fiscal Year 2020 to administer assessments for the Mississippi Academic Assessment Program (MAAP) for English Language Arts and Mathematics in Grades 3-8, End-of-Course in Algebra I, English II, and options for Geometry and Algebra II [Goals 1 and 2 – MBE Strategic Plan] (Paula Vanderford) Back-up material
        9. 03.I.  Action:  Renew contract with ACT, Inc. for Fiscal Year 2020 to administer the ACT to all 11th grade students in the state [Goals 1 and 2 – MBE Strategic Plan] (Paula Vanderford) Back-up material
    4. 04.   Discussion of the accountability label for the Mississippi Schools for the Blind and the Deaf (Johnny Franklin) Back-up material
    5. 05.   Consent Agenda (All consent items are action items which require vote) Back-up material

        1. A.   [PULLED] Back-up material
        2. B.   Approval to revise Appendices A-1, A-2, A-3, A-6, A-7, A-8, and A-9, social studies footnotes in the Appendix section of the Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards, 2018 and Mississippi Nonpublic Schools Accountability Standards, 2018 effective beginning 2018-2019 school year upon final approval (Has cleared the Administrative Procedures Act process with public comments) (Paula Vanderford) Back-up material
        3. C.   Approval of recommendations on exceptions to pupil-teacher ratio requirements for grades 1-4 (Paula Vanderford) Back-up material
        4. D.   Approval to revise the Administrative Procedures Act process:  To revise Career Pathway licensure option 912 Law and Public Safety and to add a definition to Special Notes and Definitions page to clarify reference to “related field” (Has cleared the Administrative Procedures Act process without public comments) (Paula Vanderford) Back-up material
        5. E.   Approval of textbooks, as recommended by the 2019 State Textbook Rating Committee for the adoption of textbooks in the areas of Social Studies (K-5, 6-8, and 9-12), and Mathematics (K-5, 6-8) (Nathan Oakley) Back-up material
        6. F.   Approval of vendors, as recommended by the 2019 State Textbook Rating Committee for the adoption of textbooks in the areas of Social Studies (K-5, 6-8, and 9-12), and Mathematics (K-5, 6-8) (Nathan Oakley) Back-up material

X.       Consideration of Executive Session

XI.      State Board of Education

    1. 1.  Report on meetings attended
    2. 2.  Approval of attendance at meetings

XII.     Other Business

    1. 1.  Action: Approval of a work session of the State Board of Education on Wednesday, June 12, 2019 at 8:30 am for the purpose of interviewing the Student Representative finalists

XIII.     Adjournment

View the live stream of Mississippi State Board of Education meetings at https://msachieves.mdek12.org






If you need accommodations due to a disability, contact our office at 601-359-1750.

NOTE:           Cellular telephones and pagers that give an audible signal are not permitted during Board meeting.

  • Mississippi Department of Education
    359 N. West St.
    P.O. Box 771
    Jackson, MS 39205-0771
    Educator Licensure: 601-359-3483
    General Information: 601-359-3513
    Copyright 2025
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