Physical Education/ Physical Activity Contacts, Resources and Data


Anna Hudson – Physical Education Coordinator


Project Fit America

Project Fit America continues to have a positive impact on children across the state through funding from the Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi Foundation, giving kids the opportunity to get fit and healthy while having fun. Through this support, 164 schools in Mississippi are now benefiting from Project Fit America grants. With the prevalence of childhood obesity and sedentary lifestyles, Project Fit America is helping kids get back to the basics with physical activity. The equipment is designed to help improve physical and cardiovascular strength in kids, while classroom-based curriculum teaches healthy choices and promotes self-esteem. Schools benefiting from the program are reporting significant increases in students’ fitness levels. Some schools have reported as much as a 159 percent increase in students’ cardiovascular fitness and a 92 percent increase in upper body strength.

For more information about Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation of Mississippi and Project Fit America, please visit the following links:

Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi Foundation

Mississippi’s Project Fit Schools

Mississippi’s Project Fit America’s All-Star Teachers

Project Fit America Lesson Plans

The Physical Education Evaluation Tool is a resource developed by the Office of Healthy Schools with guidance from the National Association of Sports & Physical Education, Institute of Higher Learning Leaders, School Principals, and Physical Education Teachers from across Mississippi. Its purpose is to assist principals, school district curriculum specialists, and others who evaluate physical education teachers by providing a guide for ongoing assessment and evaluation. The evaluation tool identifies the knowledge, skills, and behaviors needed to provide sound instruction in the K-12 physical education classroom, and provides a tool for feedback, reflection and self-assessment for physical education teachers.

All teachers benefit from meaningful, ongoing assessment and evaluation. The NASPE-developed Physical Education Teacher Evaluation Tool identifies the knowledge, skills, and behaviors needed to provide sound instruction in the K-12 physical education classroom. Its purpose is to assist principals and school district curriculum specialists who evaluate physical education teachers as well as to guide physical education teachers in reflection and self-assessment, and serve as an instruction tool in college/university physical education teacher education programs. This resource document is aligned with NASPE’s National Standards for Physical Education, Appropriate Practices for Physical Education, Opportunity to Learn Standards and the recently published position paper, “What Constitutes a Highly Qualified Physical Education Teacher?” To access this information visit:

Coordinated School Health Implementation Resource (Word Doc)

2013-2014 Mississippi Physical Education Framework

School Health Index (SHI) – The SHI is a self-assessment and planning tool that schools can use to improve their health and safety policies and programs. It’s easy to use and completely confidential.

Mississippi Healthy Students Act of 2007

During the 2007 session, momentous progress was made when the Mississippi legislature and Governor Barbour demonstrated their overwhelming commitment to the future of Mississippi children with the passage of SB 2369 that created the Mississippi Healthy Students Act.  This bill requires activity-based instruction, health education instruction and increases graduation requirements to include ½ Carnegie unit in physical education. It addresses a number of additional requirements designed to improve the nutrition and health habits of children as well as increase the safe and healthy environments of Mississippi schools through school wellness plans.  Review the specific requirements of SB 2369 at

Web sites:

  • Mississippi Department of Education
    359 N. West St.
    P.O. Box 771
    Jackson, MS 39205-0771
    Educator Licensure: 601-359-3483
    General Information: 601-359-3513
    Copyright 2025
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