Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools (EANS I) Program

As part of the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021, (CRRSA Act) Public Law 116-260, Congress set aside $2.75 billion of the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund specifically to provide emergency assistance to students and teachers in non-public schools through the Emergency Assistance to Non-public Schools (EANS) program. 

The purpose of the EANS program is to provide services or assistance to eligible non-public schools to address the impact that the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has had, and continues to have, on non-public school students and teachers in the state. Non-public schools are eligible to apply for funding under EANS provided that the school was in existence prior to March 13, 2020 and is not applying for or receiving a second round of the Payroll Protection Program (PPP) on or after December 27, 2020.

Non-public schools are required to submit an application to receive services or assistance through the EANS program. Additional information on the timing and process for applying for EANS assistance is forthcoming.

For purposes of the EANS program, an eligible non-public school is an elementary or secondary school that is:

  • Non-profit;
  • Accredited, licensed, or otherwise operates in accordance with State law;
  • Was in existence prior to March 13, 2020, the date the President declared the national emergency due to COVID-19; and
  • Did not, and will not, apply for and receive a loan under the PPP (15 U.S.C. 636[a][37]) that is made on or after December 27, 2020.

Based on the eligibility criteria, non-public private schools are eligible to apply for EANS funding.



  • Reserved from GEER II, under CRRSA
  • The period of allowability is from 3/13/2020-9/30/2023, giving schools the option to offset costs incurred since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Prioritizes private schools that enroll low-income students and “are most impacted” by the national emergency
  • MDE shall approve or deny applications within 30 days of receipt


Allowable Use

A non-public school may apply to receive services and assistance from the SEA or its contractors to address educational disruptions resulting from COVID-19 for:

  • Supplies to sanitize, disinfect, and clean school facilities
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Improving ventilation systems, including windows or portable air purification systems
  • Training and professional development for staff on sanitization, the use of PPE, and minimizing    the spread of infectious diseases
  • Physical barriers to facilitate social distancing
  • Other materials, supplies, or equipment recommended by the CDC for reopening and operation of school facilities to effectively maintain health and safety
  • Expanding capacity to administer coronavirus testing to effectively monitor and suppress the virus
  • Educational technology (including hardware, software, connectivity, assistive technology, and adaptive equipment) to assist students, educators, and other staff with remote or hybrid learning
  • Redeveloping instructional plans, including curriculum development, for remote or hybrid learning, or to address learning loss
  • Leasing sites or spaces to ensure safe social distancing
  • Reasonable transportation costs
  • Initiating and maintaining education and support services or assistance for remote or hybrid learning or to address learning loss
  • Reimbursement for the expenses of any services or assistance described above that a non-public school incurred on or after March 13, 2020.


Unallowable Uses 

  • Capital Improvements/Projects
  • Construction, HVAC, & Boiler Systems
  • Reimbursement for Personnel Salaries
  • Permanent Renovations
  • Purchase of Schools Buses
  • General Operational Costs
  • Touchless Faucets, Dryers, & Fountains
  • Touchless Bottle Filling Stations (attached)
  • Contracted Cleaning Services


Reimbursement Process Links


State Contractual Services Process

  • Guidance and support resources to be added soon.


Mississippi Department of Education, Office of Federal Programs Technical Assistance

For questions please contact Dr. Judy Nelson at jnelson@mdek12.org


Federal Guidance links


  • Mississippi Department of Education
    359 N. West St.
    P.O. Box 771
    Jackson, MS 39205-0771
    Educator Licensure: 601-359-3483
    General Information: 601-359-3513
    Copyright 2025
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