Training – Professional Growth System (PGS)

All upcoming trainings for the Professional Growth System can be found at:

Professional Growth System Combined Training:

The purpose of this training is to familiarize educator observers with the objectives, procedures, and resources available for the Professional Growth System. Upon completion, participants will receive certification of attending an MDE-approved training as outlines in the Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards.

Materials for Course:

Materials will be provided to participants upon completion of registration.

Accreditation Standard:

Attending the Professional Growth System Combined Training will satisfy the requirement for attending an MDE-approved Professional Growth System (PGS) training.


Participants of the Professional Growth System Combined Training may be eligible for Continuing Education Unit (CEU) credits, School Executive Management Institute (SEMI) credits, or Orientation for School Leaders (OSL) credits at the completion of the course, depending on the format of the training completed. Please review the course description at registration to determine what credit is offered and to select the training that best meets your professional development needs. Each attendee must complete all required components of the training within the specified time frame to receive credits.

Certificates of Attendance:

A certificate for attending the Professional Growth System Combined Training Systemwide will be provided to the participant’s District. Please allow up to four (4) to six (6) weeks for receipt.


Deep Dive Training for Individual Professional Growth Rubrics:

Each course is tailored to educators and administrators who observe certified staff using the Professional Growth System throughout the school year. These sessions are in-depth training on an individual professional growth rubric. The Deep Dive Training will provide specific information on the certified position’s rubric and resources, as well as information on observation, data collection, and providing high-quality feedback.

Materials for Course:

Materials will be provided to participants upon completion of registration.

Accreditation Standard:

Attending a Deep Dive Training WILL NOT satisfy the requirement for attending an MDE-approved Professional Growth System (PGS) training.


Attending a Deep Dive Specific Training WILL NOT proved any Continuing Education Units (CEU) credits, School Executive Management Institute (SEMI) credits, or Orientation for School Leaders (OSL) credits.

Certificates of Attendance:

A certificate for attending the Deep Dive Training will be provided to the participant’s District. Please allow up to four (4) to six (6) weeks for receipt.

  • Mississippi Department of Education
    359 N. West St.
    P.O. Box 771
    Jackson, MS 39205-0771
    Educator Licensure: 601-359-3483
    General Information: 601-359-3513
    Copyright 2025
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