Special Populations program is a federally funded program which provides remediation to students in career and technical classes.
Special populations’ services focus on recruitment, enrollment, instruction, retention, completion, placement, and follow-up of special populations preparing for high skill, high wage occupations and/or nontraditional employment in new and emerging careers. The purpose of instructional services rendered by special populations personnel is to enable special populations students to experience success in their chosen career and technical education programs. Student Services Coordinators may provide instruction for the disadvantaged career and technical student in areas including mathematics, reading, and writing in addition to any assistance needed in their career and technical classes. The instruction is coordinated with the career and technical instructor and services are delivered concurrently with enrollment in a career and technical education program.
A diverse method of instruction is used in providing services to those identified students. Students receive a variety of instructions ranging from individualized instruction to updated computer remediation programs. This process is to ensure that those students master competencies and learn employability skills to prepare them for post secondary opportunities and to assist them in becoming successful in the world of work.
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