2022 Senate Education Bill Summaries

The summaries attempt to highlight major components of each bill. Click on the bill number to read the bill in its entirety and to view the latest action.


Critical Race Theory; prohibit.

  • An Act to create new Section 37-13-2, Mississippi Code Of 1972, to provide that no public institution of higher learning, school district or charter school shall direct or compel students to affirm that any sex, race, ethnicity, religion or national origin is inherently superior, or that individuals should be adversely treated based on such characteristics
  • To provide that no distinction or classification of students shall be made on account of race other than the required collection or reporting of demographic information
  • To provide that no course of instruction shall be taught that affirms such principles
  • To provide that no funds shall be expended by the State Department of Education, any entity under the department’s jurisdiction, school districts, charter schools or public Institutions of Higher Learning for any purpose that would violate this act
  • To provide for the severability of the Act
  • And for related purposes
  • Approved by the Governor


SB 2422
Teacher procurement cards; revise deadlines to ensure teachers receive no later than September 1 of each year.

  • An Act to amend Section 31-7-9, Mississippi Code Of 1972, to provide that all school teachers and other personnel shall receive procurement cards on or before August 1, of each year for the purchase of instructional supplies using Educational Enhancement Funds
  • Fund provides for $25 million
  • To provide that the cards shall expire on a predetermined date but not before April 1 of each year
  • Allows for part-time gifted, full-time gifted and special education teachers to receive the card
  • Allows for a digital solution to be considered
  • And for related purposes.
  • Approved by the Governor


SB 2424
School district employee payroll; allow monthly or bimonthly payments.

  • An Act to amend Section 37-9-39, Mississippi Code of 1972, to provide that school districts shall process a single monthly or bimonthly payroll for employees in the discretion of the local school board
  • To amend Section 37-151-103, Mississippi Code of 1972, to require all school districts to process a single monthly or bimonthly payroll for all employees in the discretion of the local school board
  • And for related purposes
  • Approved by the Governor


SB 2430
State aid for construction of school facilities; bring forward sections relating to.

  • Provides for an educational facilities “Revolving Loan Fund”
  • Initially funded at $40M
  • Interest free to school districts
  • Maximum loan amount is $1M
  • Payable over 10 years
  • Districts may use funds to pay principal and interest of school districts’ indebtedness represented by bonds or notes issued after July 1, 2017 but not before July 1, 2022 for capital improvements
  • Loan limited up to $500K for principal and interest loans
  • Approved by the Governor


SB 2431
Procedure for the purchase of textbooks by the State Board of Education; repeal.

  • Allows for the State to have a regional textbook depository
  • Approved by the Governor


SB 2885
Partnership between Energy High School Academy and Vicksburg Warren and Claiborne school districts; extend date of repeal on.

  • An Act to reenact Sections 37-69-1, 37-69-3, 37-69-5, 37-69-7, Mississippi Code of 1972, which provide for the provisions that authorize the Board Of Trustees of The Vicksburg-Warren School District and the Claiborne County Board of Education to establish with the energy industry located within the state of Mississippi, Warren County and the Mississippi Development Authority for an energy high school academy and that prescribe the membership of the energy high school academy partnership council to administer the academy
  • To amend Section 5, Chapter 482, Laws Of 2019 to extend the date of repeal on Sections 37-69-1, 37-69-3, 37-69-5 And 37-69-7, Mississippi Code of 1972
  • Extends the repealer
  • Approved by the Governor


SB 2887
Purchase of school buses; bring forward sections related thereto.

  • Allows for the purchase of electronic school vehicles
  • Approved by the Governor


  • Mississippi Department of Education
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