September 18, 2014 Agenda

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Mississippi Board of Education
September 18, 2014
10:00 A.M.
4th Floor Boardroom
Central High School Building
359 North West Street
Jackson, Mississippi 



  1. Report of State Superintendent of Education Back-up material
  2. Report on State Board of Education Subcommittee meetings Back-up material
  3. Report on the Development of the MDE 5-Year Strategic Plan (Carey M. Wright) Back-up material
  4. Discussion to initiate the process to reconstitute Scott County School District that is in conservatorship (Pat Ross) Back-up material
  5. Discussion of the proposed revision to the process to declare a State of Emergency in accordance with Section 37-17-6(12)(b) of the Mississippi Code of 1972, as amended (Pat Ross) Back-up material
  6. Report on the impact of the New Start School law for school year 2014-2015  (Pat Ross) Back-up material
  7. Discussion of methodology to award competitive grants to school districts to support kindergarten through 3rd grade literacy instruction and intensive intervention (Kim Benton) Back-up material
  8. Discussion to establish the 2014 Mississippi Library Monitoring Rubric (Has cleared the Administrative Procedures Act process with public comments) (Kim Benton) Back-up material
  9. Discussion of the recommended score to determine minimum readiness for kindergarten (Kim Benton) Back-up material
  10. Discussion to award competitive grants for the Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program (Kim Benton) Back-up material
  11. Discussion of Title III reallocation methodology in accordance with the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (Kim Benton) Back-up material
  12. Discussion to award a discretionary grant to Rankin County School District for the purpose of contracting with an Educator in Residence to provide consultative services and technical assistance (Kim Benton) Back-up material
  13.  Discussion of revised methodology to award discretionary grant funds to school districts to provide partial funding for a universal reading screener in grades 1-3 and / or progress monitoring resources in grades K-3 (Kim Benton) Back-up material
  14. Discussion of appointments for Standing Commission on School District Efficiency (Todd Ivey) Back-up material  
  15. Consent Agenda Back-up material
    1.  Discussion of monthly contracts with former State Employees receiving retirement benefits (Todd Ivey) Back-up material
  16. Consideration of Executive Session

If you need accommodations due to a disability, contact our office at 601-359-1750.

NOTE:     Cellular telephones and pagers that give an audible signal are not permitted during Board meeting.

  • Mississippi Department of Education
    359 N. West St.
    P.O. Box 771
    Jackson, MS 39205-0771
    Educator Licensure: 601-359-3483
    General Information: 601-359-3513
    Copyright 2025
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