The Mississippi State Board of Education adopts rules and regulations and set standards and policies for the organization, operation, management, planning, budgeting and programs of the Mississippi Department of Education.
Organization Part 2
Chapter 1 State Department of Education
Chapter 2 State Board of Education
- Rule 2.1 Organization of State Board
- Rule 2.2 Responsibilities of State Board
- Rule 2.3 Student Representatives of the Mississippi State Board of Education
Board Policies Part 3
Chapter 1 Accountability
- Rule 1.1 Educational Accountability
- Rule 1.2 School Performance and Accountability Subcommittee and Internal Accountability Subcommittee
- Rule 1.3 Bureaus of Internal Audit and Program Evaluation
Chapter 2 Accreditation
- Rule 2.1 Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards
- Rule 2.2 Conservatorship (Repealed 07/2022)
- Rule 2.3 Grading
- Rule 2.4 First Administration of Statewide Assessments - (Repealed 3/2015)
Chapter 3 Administrative Expense Reduction
- Rule 3.1 Administrative Expense Reduction
Chapter 4 Administrative Procedures Act
- Rule 4.1 Administrative Procedures Act
- Rule 4.2 Hearing Procedure and Declaratory Opinions
- Rule 4.2.1 Declaratory Opinions
Chapter 5 Agenda, State Board of Education
- Rule 5.1 Agenda, State Board of Education (Repealed November 2021)
Chapter 6 Educator Preparation Provider Process and Performance Review
- Rule 6.1 Educator Preparation Provider Process and Performance Guidelines
- Rule 6.2 National Accreditation for Mississippi Educator Preparation Providers (EPPs)
Chapter 7 Alternate Education Programs
Chapter 8 Approvals, Non-public
- Rule 8.1 Approvals, Non-public
Chapter 9 Attendance Reporting
- Rule 9.1 Attendance Report
- Rule 9.2 Reporting Attendance for Virtual Learning
- Rule 9.3 Designated School-Wide/District-Wide Virtual Learning Days
Chapter 10 Subrecipient Single Audit Resolution
- Rule 10.1 Subrecipient Single Audit Resolution
Chapter 11 Awards
Chapter 12 Board of Education Operations
- Rule 12.1 Agenda
- Rule 12.2 Compensation for Travel
- Rule 12.3 Executive Sessions
- Rule 12.4 Meetings
- Rule 12.5 Minutes
- Rule 12.6 Officer’s Duties
- Rule 12.7 Rules of Order
- Rule 12.8 Voting Procedures
Chapter 13 Calendar (Repealed 09/2012)
Chapter 14 Certification
- Rule 14.1 Administrator Preparation (Repealed 072022)
- Rule 14.2 Administrator Process and Performance Review (Repealed 04/2011)
- Rule 14.3 Assistant Teacher Program (Repealed 02/2012)
- Rule 14.4 Agreement, NASDTEC
- Rule 14.5 Armed Forces Activation (Repealed 7/2012)
- Rule 14.6 Licensure Commission, Discipline Procedures, Hearings and Appeals
- Rule 14.7 Nursery through First Grade (Repealed 7/2012)
- Rule 14.8 Postsecondary Licensure (Vocational) (Repealed 7/2012)
- Rule 14.9 Regulations
- Rule 14.10 Procedures for Reporting Infractions
- Rule 14.11 Skills, K-8 Mathematics (Repealed 7/2012)
- Rule 14.12 Teacher Process and Performance Review (Repealed 4/2011)
- Rule 14.13 Review (Repealed 4/2011)
- Rule 14.14 Licensure Guidelines Tech Prep Discovery Courses (Repealed 7/2012)
- Rule 14.15 Supplemental Endorsements for ITC and STEM Application Courses (Repealed 7/2012)
- Rule 14.16 New Endorsement Code 193 for Economics (Repealed 7/2012)
- Rule 14.17 Mississippi Educator Code of Ethics
- Rule 14.18 Code of Ethics Standards
- Rule 14.19 Educator and Principal Evaluation Systems
- Rule 14.20 National Accreditation for Mississippi Educator Preparation Providers (EPPs) (Repealed 07/2022)
- Rule 14.21 Mississippi Assistant Teacher Requirements
Chapter 15 Character Education
- Rule 15.1 Character Education
Chapter 16 Charter Schools (Repealed 7/22)
- Rule 16.1 Charter Schools (Repealed 7/22)
Chapter 17 Child Nutrition
- Rule 17.1 Administrators
- Rule 17.2 Competitive Food
- Rule 17.3 Family Day Care Homes
- Rule 17.4 Day Care Homes Management Plans
- Rule 17.5 District Application
- Rule 17.6 Eligibility Monitoring and Management (Child Care Program)
- Rule 17.7 Family Day Care
- Rule 17.8 Purchasing System, Food Purchasing System for Public Schools
- Rule 17.9 Termination Day Care Sponsors
- Rule 17.10 Smart Snacks Standards for All Foods and Beverages Sold in Mississippi Schools
Chapter 18 Children First Act of 2009 (Repealed 06/2022)
- Rule 18.1 Children First Act (CFA) Annual Report (Repealed 06/2022)
Chapter 19 Class Size
- Rule 19.1 Class Size
Chapter 20 College Admission
- Rule 20.1 College Admission
Chapter 21 Communicable Diseases (Repealed 8/22)
- Rule 21.1 Communicable Diseases (Repealed 8/22)
Chapter 22 Consolidate Applications (Federal Funds) (Repealed 1/2012)
Chapter 23 Contracts
- Rule 23.1 Contracts
Chapter 24 Contracts, Teacher
- Rule 24.1 Contract of Employment with Mississippi Public School Districts for Assistant Superintendent, Principal and Licensed Employee
- Rule 24.2 Contingent Contract of Employment with Mississippi Public School Districts
Chapter 25 Conversion Charter Schools (Repealed 7/2022)
- Rule 25.1 Conversion Charter Schools (Repealed 7/2022)
Chapter 26 Cost Reimbursement/Salary Supplements
- Rule 26.1 Cost Reimbursement/Salary Supplements
Chapter 27 Criminal Background Checks
- Rule27.1 Criminal Records Background Checks on Applicants for Employment
Chapter 28 Curriculum
- Rule 28.1 Curriculum Guides
- Rule 28.2 Approved Courses for the Secondary Schools
- Rule 28.3 Access to a Substantive and Rigorous Curriculum Policy
- Rule 28.4 Early Learning Guidelines for Four Year Old Children
- Rule 28.5 Credit Recovery Policy
- Rule 28.6 Essentials for College Math and Essentials for College Literacy Requirements
- Rule 28.7 Districts of Innovation and Schools of Innovation
- Rule 28.8 Mississippi Seal of Biliteracy
Chapter 29 Driver Education
- Rule 29.1 Driver Education
Chapter 30 Dropout Prevention
- Rule 30.1 Compulsory School Attendance
- Rule 30.2 Reporting Unexcused Absences
- Rule 30.3 Compulsory School Attendance (Repealed 5/2010)
- Rule 30.4 Truancy Rate Definition, Calculation and Rate
- Rule 30.5 Dropout Prevention Plan
- Rule 30.6 Youth Detention Center Educational Provisions
- Rule 30.7 Home School Guidelines
- Rule 30.8 Educational Stability for Students in Foster Care
Chapter 31 Drug Testing, State Department of Education Staff
- Rule 31.1 Drug Testing, State Department of Education Staff
Chapter 32 Education Enhancement Funds
- Rule 32.1 Education Enhancement Funds
Chapter 33 Equity Funding (Repealed 1/2011)
Chapter 34 Functional Literacy Exam (Repealed 6/2012)
- Rule 34.1 Functional Literacy Exam - Renamed and Renumbered to Rule 36.3
Chapter 35 Gifted
- Rule 35.1 Gifted
Chapter 36 Graduation Requirements
- Rule 36.1 Graduation Requirements (Repealed 7/2012)
- Rule 36.2 Policies for Subject Area Testing
- Rule 36.3 Policies for Carnegie Unit Credit
- Rule 36.4 Assessment Required for Graduation
- Rule 36.5 Additional Assessment Options for Meeting End-of-Course (EOC) Assessment Requirements
- Rule 36.6 Optional Graduation Requirement for Students Displaced by a Federally or Nationally Declared Natural Disaster
Chapter 37 Grants/Subgrants
- Rule 37.1 Grants/Subgrants
Chapter 38 Healthy and Safe Schools
- Rule 38.1 School Violence Reporting
- Rule 38.2 Behavior Modifications Programs
- Rule 38.3 Beverage Regulations (Repealed November 2021)
- Rule 38.4 Snack Regulation (Repealed November 2021)
- Rule 38.5 Minimum Training Standards
- Rule 38.6 School Resource Officer Basic Course (Repealed 3/2012)
- Rule 38.7 School Safety Officer Basic Course (Repealed 3/2012)
- Rule 38.8 School Nurse Procedures and Standards of Care
- Rule 38.9 Criteria for School Nurse (Registered Nurse) and Licensed Practical Nurse Working in the School Setting
- Rule 38.10 Recommended Non-Binding Mississippi School Nurse Salary Schedule
- Rule 38.11 Nutrition Standards
- Rule 38.12 Physical Education/Comprehensive Health Education Rules and Regulations
- Rule 38.12.1 Appendix
- Rule 38.13 Restraint and Seclusion
Chapter 39 Historical Sites (Restoration)
- Rule 39.1 Historical Sites (Restoration)
Chapter 40 McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Dispute Resolution Procedure
- Rule 40.1 McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Dispute Resolution Procedure
Chapter 41 Intervention
- Rule 41.1 Intervention
Chapter 42 Kindergarten Guidelines
- Rule 42.1 Kindergarten Guidelines
Chapter 43 Construction Regulations (Repealed 9/2012)
Chapter 44 Leadership and Professional Development
- Rule 44.1 Leadership and Professional Development
Chapter 45 Legislative Recommendations
- Rule 45.1 Legislative Recommendations
Chapter 46 Level 1 and 2 Districts Consolidated Applications (Repealed 1/2012)
Chapter 47 Long Term Substitutes (Repealed 4/2007)
Chapter 48 MAEP (Mississippi Adequate Education Program)
- Rule 48.1 Section 504 Teacher Units
- Rule 48.2 Special Education Teacher Approval
- Rule 48.3 Teacher Selection
- Rule 48.4 Withholding Funds
- Rule 48.5 Effective At-Risk Programs
- Rule 48.6 Selection of Successful School District
- Rule 48.7 Determination of "inordinately large numbers of absentees"
Chapter 49 Miscellaneous
- Rule 49.1 Partnership with Regional Education Service Agencies
Chapter 50 Mississippi Adequate Education Capital Improvement Section (Repealed 8/22)
- Rule 50.1 Mississippi Adequate Education Capital Improvement Section (Repealed 8/22)
Chapter 51 Mississippi Recovery School District
- Rule 51.1 Mississippi Recovery School District
Chapter 52 Consolidation of School Districts
- Rule 52.1 Consolidation of School Districts
Chapter 53 New Start School Program Regulations (Repealed 6/2022)
- Rule 53.1 New Start School Program Regulations (Repealed 6/2022)
Chapter 54 Lampton Auditorium, MS Schools for the Arts
- Rule 54.1 Lampton Auditorium, MS School for the Arts
Chapter 55 Information and Operational Technology
Chapter 56 Distance Learning, Blended Learning, and Online Courses
Chapter 57 Monthly Attendance Reports
- Rule 57.1 Monthly Attendance Reports
Chapter 58 Non-Public Approval (Repealed 9/2012)
Chapter 59 Paperwork Reduction
- Rule 59.1 Paperwork Reduction (Repealed November 2021)
Chapter 60 Parent Awards (Repealed 9/2012)
Chapter 61 Probation (Conservatorship) (Repealed 09/2012)
Chapter 62 Public School Funding
- Rule 62.1 Applications
- Rule 62.2 Application Evaluation
- Rule 62.3 Division of $10,000,000
- Rule 62.4 Hearing Procedures
- Rule 62.5 Historical Sites (Repealed 03/2012)
- Rule 62.6 Kindergarten Classrooms (Repealed 03/2012)
- Rule 62.7 Regulations
- Rule 62.8 Roofing Requirements
- Rule 62.9 Relocatable Classrooms
- Rule 62.10 Staff Signatures
Chapter 63 Request for Information
- Rule 63.1 Public Records Request
Chapter 64 Qualified Zone Academy Bonds
- Rule 64.1 Qualified Zone Academy Bonds
Chapter 65 Reading Improvement Program (Repealed 8/2022)
- Rule 65.1 Reading Improvement Program (Repealed 2/2012)
- Rule 65.2 Assistance Teacher Program Regulations (Repealed 8/2022)
Chapter 66 Recruitment
- Rule 66.1 Recruitment
Chapter 67 Remediation
- Rule 67.1 University Assisted Teacher Recruitment and Retention Grant Program
- Rule 67.2 State (Repealed 5/2010)
- Rule 67.3 Federal
Chapter 68 Residency Verification
- Rule 68.1 Residency Verification
Chapter 69 Sabbaticals
- Rule 69.1 Sabbaticals
Chapter 70 Mississippi Criteria for Designation of Geographical Shortage Areas
- Rule 70.1 Mississippi Criteria for Designation of Geographical Shortage Areas
Chapter 71 School Business Officials
- Rule 71.2 Licensure of School Business Administrator
- Rule 71.3 Required Monthly Reports to be furnished to Local School Board
Chapter 72 School Executive Management Institute
- Rule 72.1 School Executive Management Institute
Chapter 73 School Records (Repealed 6/2022)
- Rule 73.1 School Records (Repealed 6/2022)
Chapter 74 Special Education
- Rule 74.1 Educable Child Program
- Rule 74.2 Teacher Unit Approval (Repealed 9/2011)
- Rule 74.3 Teacher Unit Allocation
- Rule 74.4 Hearing Procedures, IDEA
- Rule 74.5 Hearing Officer Fees
- Rule 74.6 Transportation Management of Students with Disabilities
- Rule 74.7 State Application Preschool (Repealed 9/2011)
- Rule 74.8 University Based Programs
- Rule 74.9 504 Program (Repealed 9/2011)
- Rule 74.10 Special Grant Selection Criteria
- Rule 74.11 Exemptions, Maximum Enrollment (Repealed 3/2014)
- Rule 74.12 Extended School Year
- Rule 74.13 Medicaid Placements (Repealed 3/2014)
- Rule 74.14 Pooling State Funds
- Rule 74.15 Preschool (Repealed 9/2011)
- Rule 74.16 Referral to Placement Process (Repealed 9/2011)
- Rule 74.17 Resource Program Numbers (Repealed 9/2011)
- Rule 74.18 State Plan (Repealed 9/2011)
- Rule 74.19 Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act
- Rule 74.20 Testing Students with Disabilities Regulations (Repealed 9/2011)
- Rule 74.21 Education Scholarship Account
Chapter 75 Students
- Rule 75.1 Residency Verification (Repealed 6/2016 - See Chapter 68 Residency Verification)
Chapter 76 Teachers
- Rule 76.1 Awards
- Rule 76.2 Contracts (Repealed 1/21/2011)
- Rule 76.3 Experience
- Rule 76.4 Housing
- Rule 76.5 Moving Expense
- Rule 76.6 University Assisted Teacher Recruitment and Retention Grant Program
- Rule 76.7 Selection (under MAEP (4903) (Repealed 8/22)
- Rule 76.8 Teacher Unit Approval under Section 504 (Repealed 9/2011)
- Rule 76.9 Process and Performance Review (Repealed 4/15/2011)
- Rule 76.10 West Tallahatchie Rental Housing (Repealed November 2021)
Chapter 77 Technology Plan (Monitoring)
- Rule 77.1 Technology Plan (Monitoring) (Repealed November 2021)
Chapter 78 Testing
- Rule 78.1 Assessment of Special Populations
- Rule 78.2 FLE (Repealed 5/25/2010)
- Rule 78.3 FLE Test Disclosure (Repealed 5/25/2010)
- Rule 78.4 Grade 3 and 7 Benchmarks for the MCT (Repealed 5/18/2007)
- Rule 78.5 Graphing Calculators Required (Repealed 08/2012)
- Rule 78.6 Norm Referenced (Repealed 5/25/2010)
- Rule 78.7 Schedule
- Rule 78.8 Setting Subject-Level Standards for State Assessments
- Rule 78.9 Qualifying Score on FLE (Repealed 5/25/2010)
- Rule 78.10 Subject Area Testing Program Appeals Process (Repealed 6/2022)
- Rule 78.11 Guidelines for Mississippi's Implementation of the Locally Selected, Nationally Recognized, High School Assessment Provision of ESSA.
Chapter 79 Textbooks
Chapter 80 Title Programs
- Rule 80.1 Title I Complaint Procedures
- Rule 80.2 Title I Administrative Limit 20%
- Rule 80.3 Program Improvement
- Rule 80.4 Equitable Services Dispute Resolution Policy
Chapter 81 Transportation
- Rule 81.1 Bids
- Rule 81.2 Drivers
- Rule 81.3 In-Service Driver Training/Motor Vehicle Record Check
- Rule 81.4 Basic Job Description and Responsibilities
- Rule 81.5 Employment Process
- Rule 81.5 Appendix A
- Rule 81.6 Minimum Qualification
- Rule 81.7 Inspection of Buses (Emergency Removal)
- Rule 81.8 Transportation Management of Students with Disabilities (Repealed 6/2022)
- Rule 81.9 Inspection of Buses (Repealed 3/2012)
- Rule 81.10 Leased Buses
- Rule 81.11 Pupil Transportation Guide
- Rule 81.12 Repair Shops
- Rule 81.13 Seat Belts
- Rule 81.14 Use of Buses/Special Events
- Rule 81.15 Minimum Standards and School Bus Specifications
Chapter 82 Violence
Chapter 83 Vocational Achievement (Career and Technical Education)
- Rule 83.1 Equity Requirements (Repealed 10/2011)
- Rule 83.2 Career and Technical Education Ongoing Program Parameters
- Rule 83.3 Mississippi Practical Nursing Program
- Rule 83.4 Program Definitions for Career and Technical Education
Chapter 84 Vocational General Administration (Career and Technical Education)
- Rule 84.1 Appeals Procedures for Career Technical Planning
- Rule 84.2 Articulation of Career and Technical Education Programs
- Rule 84.3 Assurance of Equal Access to Career and Technical Education Programs
- Rule 84.4 Closures of Non-State Plan Programs
- Rule 84.5 Closures of Career and Technical Ongoing Programs
- Rule 84.6 Post-Secondary Career and Technical Education Course Designations
- Rule 84.7 Designation of Agents for the Delivery of Career and Technical Education Services
- Rule 84.8 Evaluation and Improvement of Career and Technical Education Program
- Rule 84.9 Career and Technical Education Live Work Projects
- Rule 84.10 Local Advisory Councils and Crafts Committees
- Rule 84.11 Local Plan for Career and Technical Education
- Rule 84.12 New Program Approval for Career and technical Ongoing Programs
- Rule 84.13 Non-State Plan Programs for Career and Technical Education
- Rule 84.14 Career Programs Standards
- Rule 84.15 Public Hearings - Career and Technical Education
- Rule 84.16 State Plan for Career and Technical Education
- Rule 84.17 Statistical Data
- Rule 84.18 Appeals Procedures for Career Technical Education Data Reporting
Chapter 85 Vocational Annual Operating Budget (Career and Technical Education)
- Rule 85.1 Allocation of Career and Technical Education Non-State Plan Funds
- Rule 85.2 Allocation of Career and Technical Education Plan Funds
- Rule 85.3 Hearings on Plans
- Rule 85.4 Maximum Reimbursement Salary Schedule
- Rule 85.5 Other State Funds for Career and Technical Education Support
- Rule 85.6 Reimbursement of Local Personnel Career Technical Education Salaries
- Rule 85.7 Career and Technical Education Funding Sources
Chapter 86 Vocational Assignment (Career and Technical Education)
- Rule 86.1 Local Career Counselor
- Rule 86.2 Local Career and Technical Education CTE Administrator
- Rule 86.3 Assignment Schedule of Local CTE Personnel
- Rule 86.4 Work Based Learning Coordinator (Repealed 10/2011)
Chapter 87 Certification of Basic Skills Training and/or Retraining for Tax Credit
- Rule 87.1 Certification of Basic Skills Training and/or Retraining for Tax Credit
Chapter 88 Postsecondary Licensure Guidelines
- Rule 88.1 Postsecondary Licensure Guidelines
Chapter 89 Development of Curriculum Materials and Research Activities
- Rule 89.1 Development of Curriculum Materials and Research Activities
- Rule 89.2 Career and Technical Education Curriculum Guides
- Rule 89.3 Approved Courses for the Secondary
- Rule 89.4 Development of Curriculum Materials and Research Activities (Repealed 10/2011)
Chapter 90 Vocational Equipment (Career and Technical Education)
Chapter 91 Vocational Facilities (Career and Technical Education)
- Rule 91.1 Construction or Remodeling of Career Technical Centers
- Rule 91.2 Use, Transfer of Title & Disposition of Local and Physical Facilities
Chapter 92 Career and Technical Education (CTE) Licensure
- Rule 92.1 Career and Technical Education (CTE) Licensure
Chapter 93 Career-Technical Education Professional Development
- Rule 93.1 Career-Technical Education Professional Development
Chapter 94 Vocational Revenues (Career and Technical Education)
- Rule 94.1 Local Reimbursable Expense Items
- Rule 94.2 Local Reimbursable Expense Items - Construction
- Rule 94.3 Local Reimbursable Expense Items - Travel
- Rule 94.4 Maintenance of Local Effort
- Rule 94.5 CTE Revenues
Chapter 95 CTE Collaborative Efforts
Chapter 96 Career and Technical Education Student Organizations
- Rule 96.1 Career and Technical Education Student Organizations
Chapter 97 Weapons
- Rule 97.1 Weapons
Chapter 98 Withholding MS Adequate Education Program Funds (Repealed 1/2011)
Chapter 99 State Schools
- Rule 99.1 Title IX Grievance Policy
- Rule 99.2 School Calendar Approval and Modification
- Rule 99.3 Mississippi Seal of Biliteracy for Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science