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Communications and Government Relations

Communications and Government Relations

MDE Awarded $6.6 Million Grant to Improve Statewide Longitudinal Data System

September 28, 2015

JACKSON, Miss. – The Mississippi Department of Education will receive $6.6 million over the next four years to enhance the Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS) designed to help the state make data-informed decisions to improve student learning and outcomes, as well as to facilitate research to increase student achievement and close achievement gaps.

Clarksdale Teacher Granted Continuance for Licensure Hearing

September 28, 2015

JACKSON, Miss. – Heidelberg Elementary School teacher Tetra Winters, who has been charged with violating state law by cheating on state assessments, has been granted a continuance for her hearing before the Commission on Teacher and Administrator Education, Certification and Licensure and Development.

 The hearing is now set for Oct. 20, at 9 a.m., at the Old Supreme Court Chambers of the Mississippi State Capitol Building, 400 High St. in Jackson.

Mississippi Early Learning Collaboratives: Preparing Pre-K Students for Success in School and Life

October 15, 2015

JACKSON, Miss. – The Tallahatchie Early Learning Alliance (TELA) is one of 11 pre-K learning collaboratives funded by Mississippi’s Early Learning Collaborative Act. Through the collaborative model, school districts, nonprofit groups, Head Start centers and private child care providers partner to deliver high-quality early childhood education to 4-year-olds in their communities.

MDE Set to Release PARCC Scores in November, December

October 15, 2015

JACKSON, Miss. – The Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) will release and discuss the 2014-15 statewide and district test scores in English II and Algebra I for high schools during a special-called meeting of the Mississippi Board of Education.

The Board is scheduled to meet at 11 a.m. on Thursday, Nov.5. The location will be announced at a later date.

Licensure Hearing for Clarksdale Teacher Continued Until Nov. 16

October 19, 2015

JACKSON, Miss. – Heidelberg Elementary School teacher Tetra Winters’ hearing before the Commission on Teacher and Administrator Education, Certification and Licensure and Development has been continued until 9 a.m. Nov. 16.

The hearing will be held at the Old Supreme Court Chambers of the Mississippi State Capitol Building, 400 High St. in Jackson.

The Mississippi Department of Education requested a continuance to accommodate the schedules of expert witnesses.

Toyota USA Foundation Awards Mississippi Career Education Grant

October 26, 2015

JACKSON, Miss. – Mississippi is one of three states that will share a $1.5 million grant to increase student interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and manufacturing careers. The three-year long project is designed to engage students underrepresented in STEM and manufacturing, with a long-term goal of higher graduation rates and a more educated, skilled, diverse, and motivated workforce.

MDE to Announce Results, Provide Details on Mississippi Students’ Performance on the 2015 National Assessment for Educational Progress (NAEP)

October 27, 2015

WHO: Dr. Carey Wright, state superintendent of education, and Dr. John R. Kelly, chairman of the Mississippi Board of Education

WHAT: Wright and Kelly will provide an overview of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) results and talk about how Mississippi students performed this year. Mississippi students were among the roughly 279,000 4thgraders and 273,000 8th graders who participated in NAEP assessments in mathematics and reading in the previous school year.

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