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Communications and Government Relations

Communications and Government Relations

ACT Scores for Juniors Released


For Immediate Release: November 8, 2018

JACKSON, Miss. – The Mississippi Department of Education released today ACT results for the spring 2018 statewide administration of the ACT to all high school juniors.

The average score among juniors decreased from 18 in 2017 to 17.8 in 2018. Eight districts achieved an average composite of 20.0 or higher compared to 14 in 2017.

National Assessment Governing Board Releases Report on Mississippi’s NAEP Progress


For Immediate Release: November 6, 2018

JACKSON, Miss. – Mississippi students have made consistent gains in reading over the past dozen years on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), also known as The Nation’s Report Card, making Mississippi one of the top leaders in score improvement in 4th grade reading between 2005 and 2017, according to a recent report from the National Assessment Governing Board.

MDE to Prepare Educators through Teacher-Residency and Performance-Based Licensure Pilot Programs


For Immediate Release: October 31, 2018

JACKSON, Miss – The Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) is launching an initiative to increase the number of qualified teachers entering and remaining in the profession through teacher-residency and performance-based licensure programs.
The project is funded by a $4.1 million grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation to address the achievement gaps in high poverty, high minority schools and schools that lack a diverse teaching staff.

Mississippi Students Increase Advanced Placement Participation, Achievement


For Immediate Release:  October 29, 2018

JACKSON, Miss. – Mississippi saw some growth in Advanced Placement (AP) participation and performance, with 9,445 public school students taking AP exams and 4,478 receiving a qualifying score in the 2017-18 school year. The gains are a 1 percent increase over the previous school year.

Editorial: A-F Grading System Empowers Parents, Leads to Academic Improvement


For Immediate Release: October 24, 2018

JACKSON, Miss. – Parental and community engagement is essential to the success of schools, yet in the past, parents had been left in the dark about how their child’s school is performing.

Without transparent information, how can parents celebrate their school’s success or call on school and district leaders to improve academic programs that will lead to student success? The simple answer is they can’t, but with the right information they can.

Nine Elementary Schools Improve Literacy Skills, Transition from State Literacy Support


For Immediate Release: October 16, 2018

JACKSON, Miss – Nine elementary schools where the Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) deployed literacy coaches to help teachers become more effective teachers of reading have achieved sustained academic improvements and no longer need coaching support.

State Board Approves School, District Performance Grades for 2017-18 School Year


For Immediate Release: October 11, 2018

JACKSON, Miss. – The Mississippi State Board of Education (SBE) approved letter grades for schools and districts based on Mississippi’s A-F accountability system that evaluates how schools and districts performed in the 2017-18 school year.

Twenty-nine districts increased their letter grades from the previous school year, and the number of schools earning an A rose from 114 in 2016-17 to 181 in 2017-18. 

State Board Seeks Input on Proposal to Add Student Representatives to Board


For Immediate Release:  October 11, 2018

JACKSON, Miss – The Mississippi State Board of Education (SBE) is seeking public comment on a proposal to appoint student representatives to the SBE starting in the 2019-20 school year. Student representatives would be non-voting members but would provide input on policy decisions that affect Mississippi public schools.

State Board of Education to Hold Work Session Oct. 10, Monthly Meeting Oct. 11


For Immediate Release: October 8, 2018

WHO: Mississippi State Board of Education (SBE)

WHAT: The SBE will hold a work session to discuss the Mississippi Statewide Accountability System the day before its regularly scheduled monthly meeting

WHEN: Work session: 2 p.m. Wednesday, October 10
              Monthly SBE Meeting: 10 a.m. Thursday, October 11

WHERE: Central High School Building, 359 N. West St., Jackson, MS, 4th floor Board Room

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