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Communications and Government Relations

Communications and Government Relations

School- and District-Level 3rd Grade Reading Passing Rates Available for Public Viewing

May 18, 2017

JACKSON, Miss. – School- and district-level passing rates for the first administration of the 3rd Grade Reading Assessment are now available to the public.

Statewide, 92 percent of 3rd graders passed the test. The initial pass rates for the previous two school years was 85 percent in 2014-15 and 87 percent in 2015-16.

The Literacy-Based Promotion Act requires 3rd graders to pass a reading assessment to demonstrate they are ready for 4th grade reading instruction. Students are provided with three opportunities to pass the test.

Mississippi’s Early Learning Collaboratives Rated Among Top Five States in the Nation for Quality Standards for Second Consecutive Year

June 6, 2017

JACKSON, Miss. – For the second year in a row, the National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) recognized Mississippi’s Early Learning Collaboratives (ELCs) for meeting all 10 quality standards for early childhood education, making Mississippi one of only five states in the nation that meet all 10 benchmarks.

MDE Announces Meetings to Present “Mississippi Succeeds” Plan for Student Achievement

June 12, 2017

JACKSON, Miss. – The Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) announced today a series of public meeting dates to unveil the state’s draft plan for elevating teaching and learning while focusing on school and district accountability. Public comments from a statewide listening tour informed the development of initiatives outlined in the Mississippi Succeedsplan, which is designed to comply with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the federal law that replaces No Child Left Behind (NCLB).


SBE Approves State Plan to Raise Student Achievement, Opens Public Comment Period

June 16, 2017

JACKSON, Miss. – The Mississippi State Board of Education voted in favor of the state’s plan to improve outcomes for students in compliance with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the federal law that replaces No Child Left Behind (NCLB).


Improved transparency, support for underperforming schools and districts, increased accountability for results, and focused professional training for better quality teachers and school leaders are key components of Mississippi Succeeds.


State Board Ends Assessment Contract with NCS Pearson Due to Score Reporting Error

June 16, 2017

JACKSON, Miss – The Mississippi State Board of Education (SBE) today voted to rescind the renewal of its contract with NCS Pearson Inc., for 2017-18 and terminate the remainder of its 10-year contract.

Also, the SBE voted to secure a one-year, emergency procurement to contract with Questar to administer the 2017-18 U.S. History assessment, as well as assessments for Biology I and 5th and 8th grade science. NCS Pearson has administered those assessments for Mississippi since 2000.

Students Keep Extra Points Received in Pearson Score Report Error

June 21, 2017

JACKSON, Miss – The Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) has determined that no students were negatively impacted by a score reporting error following a thorough examination of U.S. History test results for 951 seniors.

“Based on the data we currently have available at MDE, we have confirmed that no student was prevented from receiving a diploma as a result of the error by NCS Pearson,” said Dr. Paula Vanderford, MDE’s chief of accountability.

MDE Sets Community Meeting on the Mississippi Succeeds Student Achievement Plan

June 26, 2017

WHO: The Mississippi Department of Education (MDE)


WHAT:  The MDE invites the public to attend a meeting for the presentation of a multi-year plan to improve student outcomes. Mississippi State Board of Education voted in favor of the state’s plan in compliance with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the federal law that replaces No Child Left Behind (NCLB).


Majority of Early Learning Collaborative Students Exit Pre-K Ready for Kindergarten

July 6, 2017

JACKSON, Miss – The spring 2017 Pre-Kindergarten Assessment for Early Learning Collaboratives (ELCs) show the majority of pre-K students in Mississippi’s ELCs demonstrated they are prepared for kindergarten, with 77.9 percent of students scoring at or above the target score for exiting pre-K. The spring 2017 scores reflect a 6.5 percent increase over spring 2016, when 71.4 percent of pre-K students in ELCs scored at or above expectations for kindergarten readiness.

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